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As soon as I realized that Amber wasn’t mad at me anymore, it was all I could do to get my hands on her. She was the sort of woman that loved hard, and once that little hiccup was through, I knew that she would want to be close. It was relentlessly on my mind, and we were a lot alike in that way.

Amber took a minute to get with the program, but she finally seemed to be on the same page as me. I don’t know what came over me, relief more than anything, and I just had to have her. I think I had to prove to myself that I could have her.

Once we started kissing, I didn’t think about the fact that we were in my office and that the assistant wasn’t that far from where we were. All I could think about was the fact that she was back in my arms, seemingly where she needed to be the whole time.

Amber whimpered as I moved her toward the desk. She stopped me when I was ready to swipe it all away.

“Don’t. You’ll make a mess.”

I just chuckled, because that was not at all what I wanted her to be thinking about right now. I wanted her to know that I would make any mess that I had to, to get her in my arms. I was committed.

“Do you really think I am so worried about a mess? I thought that you were going to leave me. Do you know what that did to my head?”

Amber didn’t know how to answer me. I know I can be intense, and she was finding it hard to look away. It was pulling her in, much like everything about me. That was the point. I held her gaze as I wiped everything off the desk in one go. All of the papers started drifting to the ground, making the mess she had warned about, and I couldn’t have been happier.

“I can’t believe you did that.”

“Well, you needed somewhere to sit. It’s been a long time since I’ve had my hands on you and it’s going to take some time. I can’t just rush it and bend you over it. I want to do it right.”

“What about your secretary?”

Amber was worried about all these things that I hadn’t even thought about. Why did she have to sidetrack me? I didn’t know if she thought it was going to do her any good, because it wasn’t.

“Carla, take a long lunch!”

I hollered the words to my secretary, not sure how she would take it, but honestly not caring one way or another. I wanted Amber to know that I wasn’t going to give up on the moment. She had a skirt on and before I heard Carla getting up to leave, I already had my hands in a very moist situation. The rest of me was dying to be there, too.

“Damn, you are wet and hot.”

“Damn, you’re embarrassing me. I am never going to be able to look at her again. This is a small town and you know how people gossip.”

“I suspect that the diner waitresses will have something to say. Are you really worried about it?”

She said that she wasn’t, but by the look on her face and in her eyes before they closed, I had a feeling that Amber wasn’t thinking about much else at the moment.

I had slipped my hand into her panties and she was perched on the edge of the desk. Before long, she was closing her legs to my ministrations, like that was going to stop me. It wasn’t. I needed her and if she wasn’t going to give it to me, I was going to take it. Amber needed a steady hand. If left to her own devices, she could have ruined it all for us. I wasn’t going to let that happen.

Getting her right to the edge of reason, I slowly brought her back down. Amber wasn’t happy about it and I was happy to say that no other worries were coming out of her. She wasn’t concerned with the papers on the floor any longer. Her abandonment of the present just made me want her more.

I kissed her lips, biting them on the bottom, pulling it out a bit until she made a whining sound. It was one of the hottest sounds that I’d heard in a while, and it was hard for me to hold myself back. Now that we were together in the office alone and there wasn’t anyone else to hear us, I was able to feel like I could do whatever I wanted.

When I pushed her just to the limit a couple more times and she started to get desperate, I backed off completely and started to undress. I told her to do the same, but she really wasn’t paying attention to what I said. She was checking out my body and I liked the way she was looking at me. I knew that I turned heads because I kept my body in the same shape I’d been in the military. I was glad that she approved.

“Are you not going to take it off?”

“Why don’t you come here and stop talking so much. Isn’t that what you tell me?”

I agreed that it was, but I didn’t know if I liked it coming back to me. I wanted to tell her exactly what was on my mind. I wanted her to get naked so I could have the same good time looking at her. I know that it hadn’t been long, but I was ravenous for the view.

Even though I didn’t want to listen, when a woman told me to get my naked ass over to her, I listened. As soon as I got close enough, her hand immediately wrapped around my length and I growled at her. Her eyes flicked up to meet mine, and then stayed, tugging on my meat and watching my expressions.

Her other hand was rubbing on my chest, playing with the ridges and turning me on with her light caresses. I didn’t know if she was trying to drive me crazy, but it was certainly doing the trick. I didn’t know how to hide how good it felt. I didn’t think I would have been able to, even if I tried. I didn’t, mind you, but I could have.

“You’re going to have to stop, or you’re going to have another mess on your hands.”
