Page 19 of Dipped in Gold

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I can’t believe I’m crying.

Rein it in, Clara, for God’s sake!

I shake my head when Damon’s eyes bulge. A look of panic crosses his face. “It’s sweet that you want to protect me…” I start, hoping he understands that these are tears of appreciation, not sadness. “I’m just not used to someone wanting to protect me, that’s all.”

Damon tilts his head, his eyes never leaving mine as I wipe the last of the tears from my cheeks. I give him my best smile, and his shoulders visibly relax.

“I promise you, there is nothing to worry about. Nothing will come from those stupid comments. I’ve been getting them since I started.” That doesn’t seem to placate him at all. I can see the rage rising in his eyes, and I take his hand in mine, knowing I need to defuse this as fast as possible.

“I promise I will tell you if I don’t feel safe, okay?” It takes a minute, but a slow smile crosses his face, and then he lifts my hand and brings it to his lips.

The moment his lips touch my knuckles, my body reacts. Heat cascades over every inch of my skin, and tingling feelings travel through my fingers, causing a shiver to run up my spine. I have never had such a visceral reaction to anyone before. Damon’s eyes lock on mine as his tongue darts out and traces patterns over my flesh. My breath hitches as a low chuckle escapes his gorgeous lips.

“Now that’s a fucking beautiful sound,” he mutters, lowering my hand and smiling. I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks, and my eyes lower on instinct.

“You wanna get out of here?” The tone makes it more a statement than a question, but I agree anyway. As Damon gets up, I follow, thanking Mama Jenn for the food. Damon tries to pay, but Mama Jenn refuses, so when she turns her back, he sneaks the money into the old-fashioned tip jar. When she turns back around, she gives him a look, and he winks, then tells her he’ll see her for dinner next week. I wave happily as Damon’s hand grips mine, and he drags me out into the cold.

“Your place or mine?” he growls, pushing me against the SUV, dipping his face into the crook of my neck and kissing me lightly.

“Who said I wanted to go home with you?” I sass as his teeth bite gently into my skin. “Hey!” I say, smacking his chest. The rumble of his laugh courses through me as he kisses away his bite mark, eliciting a deep moan from me.

“You keep making sounds like that, and you won’t have a choice. I’ll just take you right here.” I melt into the car door, loving the way his words coat my skin.

“You like that, Sunshine? The idea of me fucking you against this car where anyone can see?”

I don’t want to admit it, but…fuck, it sounds amazing. I never considered myself an exhibitionist, but right now, the idea of someone watching us sends heat straight to my core.

“Let’s see how much you like that idea.” Before I have a chance to question him, he has my jeans undone, and his hand pushes past my panties. His fingers find my wet folds. The minute he feels just how aroused I am, his eyes meet mine.

“What can I say?” I whisper as the tip of his finger finds my clit and circles lightly. “You turn me on. You could probably read me the dictionary, and I would want to jump you.” He laughs, and his fingers increase their pace, sending me higher and higher. My eyes dart toward the windows of the diner. A few people eat inside near the windows, but none of them appear to be looking our way. Just as his fingers hit that spot that makes me lose all control, he pulls away, causing me to gasp.

“Seriously?” I grunt as he smiles that cocky smirk that gets him into so much trouble. He opens up the back door to his SUV.

“Get in.” He motions for me to hop into the back, but I turn and look at him as if he’s just been released from a mental institution.

“What are you, my chauffeur now?” I joke, but the look in his eyes tells me that this is about more than just driving us home.

Damon leans close, his lips tracing the shell of my ear as he whispers. “I want to watch you fuck yourself while I drive you home. I need you in the back because if I can reach you, I will never make it there without fucking you on the side of the road.”

I can’t help the moan that escapes my lips. Why is the dirty talk always so fucking good with him? It’s like he knows all my buttons and uses them to his advantage. At this point, I would do just about anything he asked.

He watches me get into the car, then tilts his head toward my jeans, motioning for them to be tossed to the floor. I obey. My heart picks up as I slowly peel the fabric over my hips and down my legs. His body blocks the open door, so I know I can’t be seen. Maybe that’s what makes me do what I do next. Or perhaps it’s the way his eyes graze over my skin as he licks his lips as if he can’t wait to have a taste. I close my eyes and reach for the hem of my shirt, lifting it over my head before I toss it to the floor. His intake of breath is all the confidence-boost I need as our eyes meet, and his knuckles turn white as they grip the edge of the car door. I’m wearing a white bralette that matches the panties that hug my hips, and they hide absolutely nothing. From the hungry look on his face, I know he likely wants to scrap his idea and fuck me right here in this parking lot.

“You better get in that front seat and get driving, handsome. Otherwise, you might miss all the fun.” I don’t know where this sassy woman came from, but I love her. For a second, he doesn’t move, so I trace a line in between my breasts and run a finger down to the edge of my panties, where I dip a digit inside, in the place his just left. I moan at the pressure against my aching clit.

“Fuck…” he mutters, slamming the door and running around the front of the car then hopping into the front seat. He starts the car and looks into the rearview mirror.

“Don’t you dare stop what you’re doing, I want you wet and ready for me once we get to my place.” I quirk an eyebrow at the mention of going to his house.

He must read my expression. “It’s closer.” He grunts as he reverses out of the parking lot and starts driving.

My fingers never stop their ministrations, and after a few minutes, it becomes harder and harder to concentrate on anything but the feelings coursing through my body. My head tilts back against the leather of the seat, and I moan into the silence.

“Eyes on me,” Damon grunts from the driver’s seat. My eyes find his blazing stare in the rearview mirror, and everything changes. My fingers slow, my breathing becomes ragged, and all of a sudden, I’m fighting off an orgasm that I know will make me see stars.

“Damon…” I moan, closing my eyes. But then I tear them open once more at the sound of his grunts.

“I’m gonna…” I start, but he just shakes his head.
