Page 28 of Dipped in Gold

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2 years later

“Where are we going?” Clara asks as we drive down the long road toward our house.

“I’m taking you to see the house. They made some changes I want you to see.” It’s all a load of bullshit. The house part isn’t, we decided after we moved in together last year that we wanted to move out of the city and into a house with some land. So, I drew up some plans, and it’s currently being built. But that’s not why we’re going out there tonight. Tonight has been in the works for months. If I’m honest, it’s been more like a year. It took a lot of planning, but with JJ’s and Liam’s help, I think it just might be perfect.

“But it’s pitch-black out, how will we see anything?” Clara says, and I cringe, not thinking of that part. I do my best to think on my feet as I answer.

“I asked some of the guys to leave a few lights on when they left.” She nods, satisfied with my lie, and I look ahead, driving.

“Did I tell you I got a call from that makeup brand this morning?” Clara says, tracing my knuckles with her fingertips.

“I thought they wanted to wait a few months before they decided on anything,” I say, knowing how big this is for her. Clara has been trying to develop her own makeup brand, and it’s going really well. She has a few interested parties, but the one she’s talking about right now is her all-time goal to partner with.

“They did. But, apparently, one of their employees loves me and convinced them to give it a closer look. They loved it!” She sounds so excited. And she should be. With everything that happened with Brandon, Clara decided to take a step back from YouTube and focus more on cultivating her brand, something she’s wanted to do since she started the channel. Now, she has a line of lifestyle products and, as of today, a new makeup line that will be in development soon.

Speaking of Brandon, he was sentenced to fifteen years to life without the possibility of parole after he confessed to kidnapping Clara with the intent to rape and torture her, not to mention the witnessed attempted murder. As much as I hate that fucker, the fact that he confessed and saved Clara the heartache of going through a trial makes me want to give him a pat on the back.

“I’m so proud of you, Sunshine,” I say, bringing her hand up to my lips and kissing it softly. Just as I’m about to ask her what her thoughts are, we reach the house, and I hear her gasp beside me.

Before us is our new home, which is only in the framing stage at this point, but every single beam is wrapped in fairy lights. It looks amazing.

I’ll have to thank JJ for the idea later.

“What is all this?”

“I wanted to do something special for you. I know you’ve been stressed about everything lately, and I wanted to give you a night off.” I park the car and take her hand as I lead her into the house. The ring box burns a hole in my pocket as I take her through the foyer area into the kitchen where I have a picnic set up on the floor. I have fake candles all around, basking us in a soft glow, which makes Clara look even more gorgeous.

“You didn’t have to do all this!” she says, spinning. It gives me a chance to get down on one knee before she turns back toward me. When she does, she gasps, her hands flying to cover her mouth.

“Sunshine, the moment I walked away from you two years ago, I knew I made the biggest mistake of my life. I would have moved heaven and hell to find you, and I knew once I did, that I would never let you go. You are my peace, you are my ray of sunshine, and you are my heart. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you in it. So, I have one question to ask you.”

Her hands shake as the tears fall from her eyes. My heart pounds in my chest as I reach into my pocket and take out the five-carat solitaire ring that I’ve been carrying around for months.

“Clara, my sunshine. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

“Yes! Of course, yes!” she screams, throwing herself at me as we fall to the floor. Before I can do anything, her lips touch mine and everything else fades away. Her lips taste like chocolate, coffee, and Clara, three of my favorite things. I can’t get enough.

After a few minutes, I pull away and hold out the ring. “Can I put this on you now?” She smiles, agreeing, as I slip the ring onto her finger and breathe a sigh of relief.

I was once told that everything happens for a reason. Perhaps I was meant to have a one-night stand with a beautiful blond-haired woman in a nightclub because she turned out to be the love of my life.

Our story is anything but ordinary, but it’s us, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

