Page 29 of Fastball

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“I got you, sweetheart,” he mutters again as he thrusts into me so hard I feel it in my bones, causing every muscle in my body to contract and an orgasm to burst through me so fast that I never see it coming.

“Oh shit… oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!” I yell over and over as the orgasm rips through me, my lips searing to Josh’s just as the peak hits my body and I start to shake.

“Goddamn, sweetheart.” Josh’s voice breaks as he thrusts into me a few more times before stilling, his cock swelling inside me as he comes, gripping my hips and pulling me down hard on his dick.

After we both come back to earth, we sit there, still wrapped in each other’s arms and I start to laugh.

“That wasn’t what I was expecting when I came over here,” I tease, groaning as he lifts me off his lap and places me beside him before taking the blanket off the side of the couch and handing it to me.

“Me neither,” he pants, his hands still shaking as they rest on his glorious chest.

“So what now?” I say, hating to bring the euphoria of the moment down a peg.

Josh leans his head to the left and looks at me with a sad smile on his face. “We’ll figure it out. Like I said earlier, none of this is going to touch you. I promise.”

I try and give him my best smile, but in the back of my mind, all I can think about saying is, What about you?



I wake to the sound of my phone vibrating on the side table beside my bed. I reach over, see that it’s a text from my lawyer, and turn the phone off so it doesn’t wake up Harper who is still sleeping soundly beside me. My eyes cast down, taking in her naked form that is barely covered by the white sheet.

We didn’t get much sleep last night; I took her more times than I can count and honestly, I could go again if I didn’t know she was so exhausted. I lean down, kiss the top of her head and carefully unravel myself from her arms. I take a moment to stare at her, take her in and wonder for the millionth time how I got lucky enough to get her. It seems the world around us will do anything possible to tear us apart, but she’s stayed… even when I think she shouldn’t.

I feel the vibration of my phone in my hand once more and look down to see it’s my lawyer actually calling me, so I step out of my bedroom, closing the door behind me as I answer.

“Please tell me you have good news,” I plead, hoping that the email I sent to him in between devouring my girl was enough to get something concrete.

“I hate to break it to you, but whoever sent this email knew what they were doing. They’re rerouting the IP address every few seconds so we can’t track it.”

“Fuck,” I mutter, sitting down at my island and staring out my front window. “So there’s nothing we can do about this site? Can we take it down?” I wonder out loud.

“I would advise against that. If you shut it down without their permission, you might piss them off more and therefore everything will be released sooner.”

He’s got a point.

“So, I’m just supposed to sit here and do nothing? Those photos… that video, could ruin my career, it could ruin my girlfriend’s livelihood. I can’t risk that.” My voice begins to crack because the idea of losing her to this is frightening. She’s become my oxygen; she’s become essential to living in this world and losing her to blackmail will kill me.

“I will work every angle I have, you sent me the website and the video footage from the gym. If money isn’t an option, I have a few people who might be able to help.”

“Anything you need, just do it. I don’t care how much it costs,” I say as my lawyer agrees and hangs up. “I can’t lose her…” I whisper into the empty room, hating that this has become my life in such a short time.

I don’t know how long I stay there, head in my hands and praying for a miracle, but when I feel light fingertips tracing patterns on my back, I peer up to see Harper smiling down at me.

“How long have you been up?” she asks, her eyes soft as she tries to decipher what kind of mood I’m in.

I hate that this is what she looks for, I hate that she is wary of my anger because of everything that’s going on and I vow in that moment to make sure my anger never touches her again.

“A while. My lawyer called and wanted to talk to me about the countdown website.” I turn in my seat, opening my legs and pulling her close so she fits perfectly between them.

“I’m guessing by the look on your face it wasn’t a happy conversation.”

I shake my head, my fingers tracing the edge of my shirt that she pulled on when she got out of bed. I feel the edge of her boy short panties and inwardly groan, knowing I have to let her rest and plus, we should talk for more than a few minutes at a time about everything that’s happening.

“Not the best news. He’s sending it to some people he knows that might be able to help, but from what he can see, they’ve covered their bases quite well. There’s no way to find out who made the site or who runs it.”

“Shit,” she mutters as I pull her closer, my hands grabbing behind her knees and lifting her so she straddles my lap. One hand cups her ass while the other cups her cheek, loving the heat it creates in her eyes.
