Page 36 of Fastball

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“That girl will be the death of me,” Will mutters as I lower myself into the chair and take Josh’s hand in mine, finding comfort in its warmth.

“You like her,” I state, and when he nods but says nothing more, I take the opportunity to school him on what’s to come. “Look, Will, I’m going to give you some advice from someone who has seen that girl through every emotion known to man. She will not bend to you. No matter how much she might like you, no matter how much she wants to cave to her feelings for you. She will not let you get the upper hand. She’s been burned and burned bad, so her shields are up and they’re ten feet high.”

He takes a deep breath, reality setting in.

“I know you’re used to girls fawning over you, but that’s not what’s going to happen. You want her, you fight for her. Show her. You care more about her than what she can give you. Learn her, the girl on the inside, not the one she shows everyone.” I squeeze Josh’s hand because talking about this makes me miss his voice so fucking much.

“She hates me right now and I don’t know what I did…”

I want to tell him. I want to share that clarity with him, but I won’t betray her like that, so I just nod my head.

“Yes, she does. But remember this; she wouldn’t be this mad if she didn’t care.”

His eyes light up and I give him a small smile.

“Give her time and try. That’s all she wants is someone that will try for her.”

He nods, the sadness falling away piece by piece.

“Thanks, Harper. I’m going to head out, call me if anything changes, okay?”

I agree and before I know it, I’m sitting in silence once again, but now my chest is lighter, and I know the end is in sight.

My eyes take him in, and I run my fingers through his hair, basking in the feeling of being close to him. “Baby, I need you to wake up. We got what we needed, we’ve got proof.” I listen to the sound of the machines echo through the room, and I lower my head to the bed. “I need you to wake up so we can start fresh, okay?” I squeeze his hand, hoping by some miracle that he would squeeze back, but he doesn’t. I stand, pulling back the blanket that covers his body, moving the cords away from my side of the bed. I lie next to him, placing my head on his chest, and listen to the rhythmic beating of his heart as it lulls me to sleep. And for the first time in months, I feel hope.



Fingers run through my hair, lightly tracing my temple as I groan. I don’t want to wake up, I want to stay in this dream a few more minutes because the thought of waking up and this all being in my head is devastating.

“Wake up, Sunshine,” Josh’s voice whispers through my consciousness as my eyes snap open.

“Josh?” My voice breaks, hoping this is real. My head lifts off his shoulder as I try and sit up, but arms wrap around me, pulling my body back toward him.

“Not so fast. I didn’t say I wanted you to move,” he mutters, kissing my neck.

“How are you?” I stroke his stubble with my fingers and take the first deep breath in hours.

“My head’s a little sore but overall, I feel fine.”

I know he can see the worry in my eyes.

“Sunshine, I’m fine. I promise.” He takes my face in his hands and kisses me with all the passion he can muster, and I submit instantly. The sensation of his lips on mine is heaven and I can’t help but sink into his kiss. “I will always come back to you, okay? I love you too much to ever leave,” he mutters against my lips as he pulls away.

“Good,” I tease, smiling.

Just as I’m about to lean in and kiss him once more, Will bursts through the door, followed closely by King and Mel.

“Well, well, look who’s decided to grace us with his presence,” Will teases, slapping Josh’s shoulder.

I can see a flash of pain cross his features when Will’s hand connects, but he hides it just as fast.

“I thought it was time since the team is clearly nothing without me,” Josh jokes.

Will and King make mocked expressions as they clutch their chests.

“You wound me,” King says as he stops next to the bed. “What I really want to know is when you’re coming back, we miss you on that field.”
