Page 5 of Fastball

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Every time I adjust myself, Josh smirks knowing exactly what he did to me while I aimlessly stare at the bag sitting by the front door, taunting me, reminding me that he’s going away on another road trip and the prospect of being away from him again is getting to me.

“Really? You’re sure you want to do this? I don’t want you to think you have to do this because of me.”

I sip the last of my coffee and get off my stool and set the empty mug in the sink.

“I know. I think it’s time I get over this hurdle, and I know you aren’t making me do this for you, but I want to do this. For you and for me.” Just the thought of going into that stadium is making me break out in a cold sweat but I try my best to hide it.

I need to do this.

I have to do this.

“We have a home stand coming up in a few weeks, you want me to get you a ticket?”

My lungs fill with air as I nod, my fingers absently playing with the edges of his shirt that hangs loosely over my thighs. Josh stops eating and makes his way to where I'm standing against the sink.

Placing his hands over mine, he says, “You’re absolutely sure? Because from that panicked look on your face, you don’t seem sure.”

I want to scream that of course I'm not sure. I'm freaking the fuck out at just the thought of doing this, but for some reason, my pride takes over as I try and school my features.

“I’m sure,” I lie. “It might take me a few hours to get in the door though…” I hope to God he doesn’t think I'm joking because that’s a real possibility.

“Well, I can have someone at the equipment entrance around the back a few hours before the doors open. That way you can get in before everyone else.”

I melt a little at the thought.

“You’ll get to watch batting practice and I might be able to get you onto the field for a bit before the game.” He looks so fucking happy right now, and even though the panicked feeling is rising in my chest with just the prospect of being on that field.

In that moment I know I’ll do everything in my power to make this happen, if only to see that look on his face again. Even if I have to medicate myself, Josh will see me on that field, he will see me in those stands cheering him on. He deserves that.

“What about bringing Mel with you?” he asks and a whoosh of air leaves my lungs, relief cascading over my entire body.

I nod enthusiastically.

“I thought that would ease your mind.” He winks, watching me and before I have a chance to say anything in return, he’s kissing down my neck causing my brain to short-circuit as I begin to think of everything he can do to my body and nothing to do with baseball. “Plus,” he states in between kisses before he leans back and his thumbs rub absently over my cheek. “I want someone there in case you have a panic attack or something. I don’t want you to be alone.”

I lean into his touch and thank whoever sent this man into my life, because I will do anything to keep him.

“I love you,” I whisper.

He tightens his arms around me as he tells me he loves me before taking my lips in a punishing kiss that sets my nerves on edge and causes my hands to wander. Before the kiss gets too hot and heavy, I pull away and look at the clock.

“How long until you have to leave?” I ask, hoping it’s not soon, but when he glances at the time and curses, my heart sinks.

“I’ll be back before you know it, Sunshine. I’ll call you every night, maybe even twice if you’re lucky.” He winks and I lean forward, my forehead against his chest. His fingers trace patterns on my back causing goose bumps to break out across my entire body.

I know he has to leave. I know this and yet my hands wander, starting from his sides, down past his ass until my fingers trace lightly toward the front of his jeans which are starting to tent.

“It looks like you don’t want to leave…” I whisper against the shell of his ear, loving the way the heat pools at my core at the prospect of what I want to do to him right now.

“Fuck… Sunshine I have to leave in like… ten minutes.”

I lean back as our eyes meet and I wink and fall to my knees.

“What I have in mind will only take nine... maybe five if I do it right.”

His eyes close and he curses as his head dips forward while my fingers deftly undo his jeans, sucking in a breath when his cock comes into view. I glance up, whimpering at the lustful look that crosses Josh’s face before I take his cock in my hand and stroke it softly, knowing it will drive him crazy.

“Jesus,” he groans, his fingers tangling in my hair as he pulls me closer, wanting my mouth on him. So instead of teasing further, I open my mouth and take every inch of his cock into my hot and wet mouth, loving the way his knees buckle when he hits the back of my throat.
