Page 67 of Single Dads Club

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The nurse looked at the guys and shook her head. “Feed her. She’s hangry.”

I blushed and stared at the empty pudding cup, slowly digging the plastic spoon around to get any remains. “I’m so sorry.”



“Thisisridiculous!You’redoing too much!” I tried to sit up and grunted when Jack pressed his hand to my chest to push me back down. “Jack!”

He wagged his eyebrows at me. “Love it when you scream my name, baby.”

I groaned and stopped trying to move. “I sprained my wrist. That’s all. I’m fine. Y’all sending the kids to my mom’s and setting up the bed like I broke every bone in my body is just silly.”

Beck walked out of the bathroom shirtless and rubbing his chest. “We have to keep that arm safe.”

Sawyer stacked more pillows under my arm to get my wrist propped up and stretched over me to grab something from Jack. When I saw the piece of silk in his hand, I tilted my head and stared at it. I couldn’t make sense of it until he fastened it around my elbow and then to the headboard behind me. I tried to move my arm, but he’d successfully made it so I couldn’t.

“What? Why’d you do that?” I frowned at my arm and tugged at it again, but I was stuck. The way it was looped around my elbow, I couldn’t get it to slip over my wrist and come off.

Jack moved some of the pillows he’d stacked around me. “That way you can’t hurt yourself.”

When Sawyer moved to the other side of the bed, he caught me by surprise and managed to tie that arm to the headboard, too. His eyes narrowed as they wandered across my chest and lower. “That arm is so you can’t stop us when we do what’s coming next.”

Beck knelt on the bed next to Jack and easily lifted my hips to slide a stack of pillows under my butt. With a slow smile, Beck ran his finger up my thigh. “I’m ready for you to get back into the classroom, Kitten. You haven’t been wearing your dresses lately. As much as I love seeing your ass in these leggings, I love it even more when I can reach up your dress and feel your pussy clamp down on my fingers.”

Blood rushed to my head as understanding set in. I licked my suddenly dry lips and swallowed nervously. They’d never tied me up before. They’d never approached me so slowly and methodically, either. They were doing something, and I knew it was some sort of lesson. Even through my nervousness, my core dampened. Their lesson, whatever it was, would be delivered from their body to mine, and I wanted it. More than that, I needed it.

I’d denied myself the pleasure of being with them since moving in, and in the same way I’d broken down because I was exhausted and hungry, I felt broken because I was empty. Them taking me, making me theirs in the way that worked so easily for us, it was something I needed. I just hadn’t known how much. I needed to see them as desperate for me as I was for them. I needed to feel their love through their touch.

Sawyer hummed as he pulled his shirt over his head and sat on the bed next to me. “You accepted the job?”

I blinked and tried to remember what job he was talking about. I had more important things on my mind.

“Teaching, baby. You accepted the teaching job?” Jack massaged my feet and calves, slowly making me melt.

“Not yet.” I closed my eyes to focus. “I wanted to talk to you guys about it first.”

“Take the job, Kitten.” Beck hooked his fingers in my leggings and slowly pulled them down. “You want it. They want you. Take it.”

“We’ll celebrate later.” Sawyer leaned over so he was hovering just over me. “Right now, we’re going to do a different kind of work.”

Jack pulled my leggings the rest of the way off and moved so he was kneeling between my legs. Running his fingers over my thighs, he spread them even wider. “You said some things earlier that we need to address.”

“Things that aren’t true, and that are making you hurt yourself.” Sawyer leaned over further and checked my wrist. “Comfortable?”

I nodded hurriedly and tried to calm my breathing. “I was just hangry earlier.”

“No, baby. You being hangry was a side effect of what you’ve been feeling: that you somehow don’t deserve us. Or need to earn our love.”

“We need to get past this guilt right now. You can’t keep holding onto it. It’s making you sick.” Beck slowly worked my shirt up. “We’re going to help you let it go.”

I held perfectly still as Jack touched me through my panties. I was already buzzing with my need for them. I was terrified they were going to suddenly deny me my orgasms as punishment. “How?”

Sawyer cupped my face and turned it so we were eye to eye. “We’re going to make you come so many times that you can’t possibly think a single bad thing, and then we’re going to take our time filling your head with all the good shit. You’re not leaving this bed until you understand that you’re forgiven and that you don’t need to earn anything from us. You deserve it. You’re ours, and until you accept that completely, this is where you’ll be.”

My stomach clenched, and my hips twisted in response to his words, hungry for it to start. I needed them, and I couldn’t stop it.

