Page 51 of Team Russian

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“I have this thing that really turns me on,” I started and I saw I had piqued his interest. He pushed himself further up on one elbow to look down on me. Meanwhile, his hand rubbed along my breasts and stomach, which was really distracting.

“Do tell?” he invited me.

“Saltwater. I love swimming in salt water and then, when we’re dry, licking the salt off each other, licking it off everywhere ...”

I swear his dick stiffened and his eyebrows shot up.


I nodded. It was true, weird but true. I loved being covered in ocean salt water and I loved tasting it ... it was so, well, ocean-ish. I don’t know where it came from, but I’ve always loved it. Even as a child when it wasn’t erotic of course, I wouldn’t wash off when I came back from the ocean, I just loved the salt on my skin when it dried. I loved the smell, taste and feel.

“So ...” I continued, “after the gym and our ocean swim, I was hoping you might lick me and let me lick you, unless you think that’s too weird,” I said, avoiding the truth a little and still managing to sound reasonably sexy. I hoped.

“Weird yes, but weird good,” he said. “I’d be happy to lick the salt off you,” he said with a smile skirting his lips. “But right now, can you at least lick my fingers?” he asked, and ran a finger over my lips. I narrowed my eyes in the challenge, grabbed his finger and sucked on it. He slowly drew it from my lips and took the moisture down to my clit and began teasing me. He dipped into me to get more moisture ... he didn’t need me to lick, I was wet from watching him.

He lowered his lips to mine and then trailed down to take my nipple in his mouth. His finger worked inside me, his thumb worked around my lips and clit and I came quickly, too quickly, but I didn’t care, I just wanted the high. Then I went lower to take him in my mouth and he stopped me.

“No, Brooker, we’re both in or both out, so to speak. Your mouth can have me when I can have you,” he said, playing fair. “But I’d love to see that tight little butt of yours,” he ran a hand over my butt cheeks, then rolled me over onto my stomach. I felt him rise above me and his body covered mine. He grabbed a pillow, placed it under my hips and reaching for a condom, slipped it on. Slowly he moved between my legs, and I felt him pressing to get in. I was tight and a little sore from last night, and I gasped on his entry.

He stopped.

“It’s okay, it’s very okay actually,” I promised him, and he continued to slip in slowly. Finally, he was fully in and then sliding became easier.

“Brooker, you feel so good,” he moaned.

I moaned my agreement; it was amazing feeling him in and around me and I began to move in motion with him, tightening around him, clamping on him just to feel him shudder and groan. He came with a wonderful growl of satisfaction, and then he lowered himself, burying his face in my hair.

“Morning,” he muttered and I giggled.

“Morning.” We stayed cocooned for a few moments until he pulled out, removed the condom and disposed of it.

Then he reached over and pressed the same button that opened the blinds and he pulled me into him. I gasped at the beauty of it. The sun was just beginning to rise over the water—to describe it wouldn’t do it justice—this ball of pink, orange, red and yellow. Laying spooned together we had an uninterrupted view of it.

“That’s what I wanted to show you,” he said.

“Wow, you get to see this every morning?” I asked.

“I do, but the view’s even better today,” he said, kissing my neck. So charming.

I rubbed his arm as it wound around me, and lying in his embrace we watched the color show on the ocean as the sun set the horizon alight.
