Page 111 of Bluebird

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I waited at the bar for some time, but Luke never returned. Why would he just leave?

Nate, Amanda, and I headed back to our hotel suite in the early hours of the morning, once it was clear Luke wasn’t coming back.

Nate was fumbling with his hotel key, when I pushed him aside impatiently and used mine instead. I had managed to sober up, but Nate and Amanda were guaranteed to pass out as soon as they found their bed.

Nate stumbled past me, into our joint living area. “Ooh, yooou’re in trooouble,” he sung out.

“Luukey! Where weeere you? We were sooo wooorried,” Amanda joined in.

I glanced up to find Luke sitting soundlessly on the lounge, nursing a neat whiskey. He ignored them completely.

“What the fuck, Luke?!”

That got his attention and he mirrored my angry glare. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for an explanation, but he did not offer one. We stood there, frozen in a silent standoff.

“We’re just gonna goooo have sex now,” Nate slurred, and he pulled Amanda along with him to their bedroom.

“He meant bed! We’re going to go to bed now,” Amanda corrected, pretending to be sober.

“No I diiiidn’t…” Nate argued, before Amanda shut the bedroom door behind them, leaving us alone.

“So, are you going to tell me why, after everything that happened tonight, you would just leave without any sort of explanation?”

He took another sip of his whiskey, which infuriated me.

“Ah, just forget it!” I growled, storming off in the direction of my room.

“What do you want from me, Natalie?!” he snapped, soaring from his chair and angrily trailing after me. “I thought you said you were done with all of this! And then I have to find out from that prick you’ve signed up with a new record label! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I haven’t signed anything, and it’s not what you—”

“Are you going to sign?” he interrupted, staring me down.

“Luke it’s—”

“Let me guess, it’s an amazing opportunity’? Yep, I’ve heard that one before.”

“Can you stop?!”

“Just tell me, are you signing with a new label?” His eyes seared mine.

“Yes, but—”

Luke let out an angry roar and wiped his hand over his face in frustration.

“Will you let me explain?” I needed him to listen.

“Don’t bother, I’ve heard it all before,” he retorted, wrathfully. “And you could have made it clear we were ‘just friends’ before I went down on you earlier. There were plenty of other accommodating girls I could have saved my energy for tonight.”

I slapped him across the face for his deliberate attempt to hurt me. I knew he didn’t mean it, but I couldn’t stop the tears that fell as a result. I clenched my jaw, as my chest rose up and down in rhythm with my aching heart.

“If the media finds out about you and I, it could destroy us,” I spoke, furiously. “This thing between us, I don’t even know what it is, and I sure as hell don’t want the tabloids telling me. And that’s why I tell people we’re ‘just friends’, Luke. Not because I don’t love you.”

Surprise and regret surfaced in Luke’s eyes, as he contemplated what I had just admitted.

“So, what is this thing between us?” he asked softly, lowering his eyes.

“It’s…everything,” I whispered.

Luke moved in and gently took my face into his giant hands to wipe my tears away. He pressed his forehead to mine. “I’m sorry, Blue. I’m so, so sorry. I was just so confused and angry, and I can’t handle the thought of losing you again. Please forgive me. I love you Blue.” His glistening eyes bored deeply into mine. “I always have.”

I gasped at his confession, and paused briefly before launching myself into his arms. My lips met his as we collided and he carried me into his bedroom.

Luke lay me gently on his bed, and hovered over my body, taking me all in. His heated gaze penetrated mine. “So fucking beautiful,” he reinstated, and he picked up where he left off earlier in the night.

I exhaled in elation as he unwrapped and explored my body, savouring every kiss, lick and bite. I was trembling uncontrollably before he even reached my most tender points.

“Luke, I can’t handle anymore, I need you inside of me.”

I heard the tear of foil a moment before he was back on top, sliding himself between my legs. I cried out in ecstasy as his full length entered my body. Just like our voices, our bodies interwove, creating the perfect song I wanted to listen to forever.
