Page 53 of Bluebird

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Overcome with my need for caffeine, I crept down the stairs. I managed to subtly slip out the kitchen door and stealthily move myself to the front of the bar without being noticed, except by Luke who gave me a round of applause.

I glanced around to find just one customer in the bar, nursing his morning scotch, and he wasn’t remotely aware of my presence. I laughed at myself and shrugged. I guess the morning coffee rush happened a little earlier with farmers.

“Good Morning, Bluebird,” Luke said, with a heart stopping smile.

“Good Morning, Luke,” I replied, shying away from his intense gaze.

He left to make my coffee, and brought it back a few minutes later. Leaning across the bar, he handed over my latte. “I really want to kiss you right now,” he whispered.

A flush crept up my face and I was about to respond, when I heard the chime of the tavern door opening.

“Saved by the bell,” Luke muttered, and hesitantly moved away to greet his customers.

I was about to stir in my sugar, when I discovered a heart shaped design twirled into the froth. Now that was fancy. I glanced back at Luke, and pointed down at my coffee with an impressed expression. He winked.

While waiting for Luke to return, I reluctantly took out my mobile phone and switched it on. I expected a ton of angry messages from Stefan, but surprisingly, I didn’t have any, nor did I have any emails. What I could see was my phone continuously searching for a signal. I groaned in frustration when I remembered Fairleigh was a renowned dead spot.

“I don’t know why you bother with that thing here. You can use the pub phone if you need,” Luke stated.

“No, it’s okay. I’m sure I can survive without technology for a few more days at least.” I laughed and hopped down from the bar stool. “Well, I better get going. I need to shower and change before heading back to the farm today.”

Luke scooted around the bar and blocked my exit. “Can I see you later?” he asked in a low voice, out of earshot of his patrons.

“Definitely,” I replied, trying to mask a smile. Luke made no effort to conceal his.

We shared one last heated look before rushing off in different directions.
