Page 10 of Oath of Submission

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“Mama,” Romeo says in a low voice.

“Why is he here?” she asks Romeo, though her eyes are on me. She lowers her voice.“Porta pericolo, figliolo.”

“I’m honored, Tosca, that a woman like you who survived marriage to Narcisso Rossi and raised the most notorious made men in New England findsmedangerous.” I sip the espresso. “It’s delicious.”

Her eyes narrow on me. Did she forget I speak Italian, too?

Romeo stands and places his hand on Tosca’s elbow. He speaks in a hushed tone. Though she clenches her jaw and shakes her head, she allows him to lead her to the exit. She’ll be back.

When Romeo returns, he stands across from me with his arms folded. “Capo.”

I nod and place my espresso cup back on the tray beside me.

Here we go. I wanna crack my knuckles and smoke a cigar.

“Earlier today, I had an errand in town. I trust your guard filled you in?”

A muscle clenches in his jaw. “He did.”

“Your sister Marialena was present as well. Did he tell you that?”

A barely perceptible nod.

“I was betrothed to Castellano’s youngest daughter, Erica. We were to wed last night. She escaped, and my sources found her hiding in Boston. I tracked her to Namaste, and nearly caught her. You see, Rossi, marrying Erica Castellano would’ve been an incredibly beneficial move for my family. However, that did not happen.”

The Rossi men fall silent. Watching. Listening. Waiting.

“And who do you think helped orchestrate her escape, Romeo?”

He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Go on.”

“Marialena helped her escape. She exited by way of a club I didn’t know existed until after she’d left.”

“Did you catch her?” he asks sharply. He knows the consequences for an arranged marriage going sour. He knows the repercussions for interference in a planned joining of two Families.

“Not before she took her own life.” My voice is emotionless. I didn’t care about the woman. I’d never met her before.

Orlando curses. “And how do you know Marialena aided her?”

“I knew who she was when I realized your guard, Amadeo, was in the store. I knew he wouldn’t have been there alone. I managed to persuade management to give me their security footage.” I keep my anger in check. I don’t like when my plans are thwarted, and that little brat knew exactly what she was doing. I also don’t like when people lie to me.

Romeo nods, his face paling. “What do you want, Capo? How much did the deal cost you?”

“Seven million.”

“Jesus,” Ottavio mutters. “We can write you a check.”

I turn to him sharply. “I don’t want a check. I came to New England to obtain a wife. You know as well as I do the money was only icing on the cake. The point was to join the Capo and Castellano families, to form alliances.” I sip my espresso. It’s already cooling, but pleasantly bitter and sharp. “I will not go home without one, and I’m due to arrive home tomorrow.” I wait, feeling the eyes of every man in the room on me. “Her life is mine, Romeo. You know that. I’m within my rights to take her life for interfering, and any recourse against me would start a war.” I feel my anger rise. “And I don’t take kindly to people lying to me.”

“Who’s lied to you, brother?” Romeo asks quietly.

“Marialena.” Saying her name feels like a summons. I want to see her. I want her to own what she did.

No one responds. No one blinks.

“But I decided I don’t want to kill her.” I shake my head. “Your sister’s beautiful, and my research tells me she’s single and eligible.” I smile as I deliver the final blow. “If I take her home tonight, none of you will be harmed. I’ll even waive the promise of a dowry.” It’s a step I do not need to take but will, to keep a modicum of peace. I don’t need the money.

“You want to take her to marry her,” Romeo says, his voice hoarse. “I’ll pay you more than—”
