Page 99 of Oath of Submission

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“That’s how I know you’re a fucking amateur,” I snarl, looking into those terrified doe eyes. “Because a professional would know better than to wear their hair down, or even to pick up their pen. Hell, I doubt they’d bring a pen within a hundred feet of a man like me. They’d know I could stab it through their eye quicker than they could blink.”

Her whole body is shaking. Tears glint in the corners of those big dark eyes.

To her credit, she doesn’t scream or try to fight. She knows it would be pointless.

She can feel my arm around her. She knows I could snap her spine before the guards could make it through that door.

She looks in my eyes, searching for something. Maybe some spark of humanity. Maybe some hint of the horrible fate in store for her.

She won’t find what she’s looking for.

I snarl, “Consider yourself warned. I’m no fucking social experiment. I won’t be reformed. I’m a criminal. A monster. A killer. I always have been, and I always will be.”

She breathes heavily, unable to mask the way she trembles and pants in my grasp. She’s terrified, humiliated, struggling not to burst into tears.

She thinks she can run tests on me. Well, I’m running a test on her right now. And there will be many more to come if she dares to visit me again. I have my suspicions about Clare, a condition I could diagnose in her just as easily as she could label me a sociopath and criminal.

I take one last inhale of that heavenly perfume.

“Go home, Clare. Find a nice stockbroker, join a country club. This is your one and only warning.”

I release her, allowing her to stumble away from me.

She’s shaking so hard that she can hardly pick up her folder and briefcase.

She casts one last horrified look at me. Then she runs out of the room.

Twenty minutes pass until the guards return.

I expect them to rough me up for putting my hands on the pretty little psychologist—or at the very least toss me in my cell as punishment.

Instead they take me back to solitary like nothing happened.

Which tells me all I need to know about my future interactions with Clare Nightingale.
