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The gown wasn’t skimpy—it fell to her knees. But the material it was made of was thin and stretchy and Grath could clearly see her full breasts and tight nipples poking against the silky material. Not to mention her full hips and ass and the soft curve of her pussy mound. He had to look away before the mouthwatering sight made his shaft hard.

“I still don’t fucking get how Christmas made the Grinch’s heart grow, though,” he pointed out. “Was that really healthy for him? At the end there, it looked like he had cardiomegaly—a severely enlarged heart.”

“Don’t be silly—you can’t take itliterally,” Madeline chided him. “It just means that he started to love the Whos down in Whooville instead of hating them. They took him in and made his heart grow with their love and acceptance.”

“Kind of like the way your family has takenmein,” Grath remarked thoughtfully.

“If you’re asking me to compare you to the Grinch, well—that’s definitely a valid point,” Madeline said dryly. “You were always so grumpy before you came down here with me. You’re like a whole different person now.”

“A person you like, I hope, little girl,” Grath said, grinning a little. He thought about explainingwhyhe had been grumpy—thought about telling her that he’d wanted her from the first moment they shook hands and he felt that tingle, informing him that she was right for him, but that he could never have her because he couldn’t bond her to him.

But no…that would alter the mood too much and he didn’t want that. Tonight had been one of the most fulfilling and entertaining evenings he could ever remember having. He hadn’t understood all of the movies they had watched together, but he loved watching them with Madeline curled up against him. The buttery popcorn was salty and the hot cocoa was sweet and creamy and her soft curves pressed against his side felt incredibly right.

He had no words to express what the movie marathon with her family made him feel. Accepted? Included? Maybe even loved. It was certainly an experience he would never forget even after this mission was over and he had to go back to putting distance between them.

“I’m really enjoying all your family’s holiday traditions,” he told Madeline, as they climbed into bed together. “Do you have any others?”

“Are you kidding?” She turned towards him, lying on her side as she curled into a ball for warmth. “We have more traditions than you can shake a stick at!”

Grath frowned.

“Why would I want to shake a stick at your family traditions? Is it a special kind of stick? A holiday stick?”

“No, no!” Madeline laughed. “It’s just a saying that means we have alotof traditions.”

“Such as?” Grath prompted her. He wanted to know what else he could look forward to.

“Oh, such as on Christmas Eve after breakfast, we all go ice skating on Lowler’s Pond.” She shivered. “Brrr—I’m not looking forward to that one. It’s socoldout there on the ice!”

“You really have a hard time with the low temperatures around here, don’t you, baby?” Grath murmured. Putting an arm around her, he drew her close to his side and began increasing his body heat output to warm her.

“I really do,” Madeline agreed, cuddling close to him, just the way he loved. “I don’t know why—my mom and dad and Anna got used to the cold weather right away. Well, my mom was actually raised in New England and that’s why she always wanted to move back, but my dad is from Arizona and Anna was born in Florida the same as me.Theyadapted almost immediately, but I just can’t seem to. I love spending Christmas with my family but I spend ninety-five percent of the time feeling like I’m freezing to death!” She shivered again. “I wish I could heat myself up like you can,” she added, giving Grath an envious look.

Suddenly, Grath had an idea.

“What if I told you I could give you some of my ability so youcouldwarm yourself up when you’re cold?” he asked Madeline.

She looked up at him skeptically.

“I’d say that sounds too good to be true. How?”

“By biting you,” Grath said simply.

“Bitingme?” Madeline put a hand to her throat and eyed his fangs uncertainly. She had never shown any fear of them before, but then, Grath had never offered to bite her before, either.

“Never mind,” he said, shaking his head. “It’s pretty fucking clear you don’t like the idea.” He started to turn away from her but Madeline put one soft little hand on his chest to stop him.

“No, wait—tell me about it,” she urged softly. “I’m sorry—I always forget you’re part Blood Kindred. Until your fangs get all long and sharp and pointy-looking—like they are right now,” she added, looking at his mouth.

Grath knew why his fangs were sharpening—it was because he wanted her—wanted to bite her and Claim her and fill her with his essence.

Right, and after that you’ll want to fill her with your cock and bond her with your Mating Fist—be very fucking careful, Grath—you’re getting a little too close to the edge here,whispered a warning little voice in is head. With difficulty, he pushed it aside.

“Itdoeshave to do with my Blood Kindred heritage—but the part of me that’s Flame Kindred plays a part, too,” he told Madeline. “See, if I bite you and inject my essence into your bloodstream, I can give you some of my immunity to cold—the ability to warm yourself up.”

Madeline’s eyes widened.

“Even when I’m outside when it’s freezing?”

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