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“I’m just going where the science leads me!” Mattie exclaimed. “I can’t help it if you can’t keep up with me.”

“You—” Grath began and it looked like they might spend the rest of the meeting in a shouting match. Until a soft voice said,

“I have an idea.”

Mattie, who had been turned to face the big Hybrid, her face flushed with fury, realized it was Sophie talking. Taking a deep breath, she made an effort to calm down—maybe her friend could convince Commander Sylvan to let her go to Vi’ri’tex Delta after all—despite what a totalassGrath was making of himself.

“Yes, Sophie?” she asked and Commander Sylvan said,

“What are you thinking,talana?”

“It seems to me that what Mattie and Grath need before they go to Vi’ri’tex Delta ispractice,”Sophie said. She had turned around and was standing by her husband’s chair as she spoke.

“Practice?” Mattie and Grath said at the same time and Mattie added,

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you need practice pretending you’re a couple,” Sophie said patiently. “And what better place to practice than at your family’s holiday get-together at your home back on Earth?”

Mattie felt like her stomach had dropped down to the floor.

“What?” she exclaimed. “What are you saying? You think I should try to pass Grath off as my fiancé to myfamily?”

Sophie shrugged.

“Why not? Weren’t you telling me that they were going to be on your case if you came home for Christmas without a significant other?”

“Well, yes—” Mattie began. “But I don’t think—I mean, I’m not sure how…how my family wouldfeelabout Grath. They’re kind of…picky.”

“What’s the matter, sweetheart—afraid you can’t protect me?” Grath shot her a malicious smile as he threw her own words back at her.

“Look—I never said—” Mattie began but Commander Sylvan interrupted her.

“I think this is an excellent idea,talana,” he said, smiling at his wife. He turned back to Mattie and Grath. “If the two of you can fool Dr. Porter’s own family, you’llcertainlybe able to fool the Vi’riens.”

“But…but this isn’t fair!” Mattie protested. “Grath doesn’twantto go. He won’t eventryto make my family believe he’s my fiancé!”

“First you question my courage, and now you’re questioning myhonor?”Grath glared at her, clearly outraged.

“I’mquestioningwhether my family will believe I’ve decided to spend the rest of my life with a big, rude, misogynistic jerk likeyou,”Mattie snapped.

Grath arched an eyebrow at her.

“I can be pretty fucking charming when I want to be, you know.”

“Well, Iwouldn’tknow because you never eventryaround me!” Mattie exclaimed.

“The point is, Icanmake your family believe I’m your intended mate, little girl,” Grath, his black eyes sparking. “And I wouldnevertake an assignment without giving it my fucking all!”

“Well, neither would I!” Mattie exclaimed.

“Then it’s settled,” Commander Sylvan said, smiling. “The two of you will visit Dr. Porter’s home down on Earth for the holidays and attempt to make her family believe you intend to Join together as mates. If you succeed, I’ll be willing to send the two of you to Vi’ri’tex Delta to study the Vi’riens and try to convince them to join the Kindred in a trade alliance.”

“Andyou get the added benefit of not having your family nag you to get married and have kids your whole Christmas break,” Sophie put in, smiling brightly at Mattie. “It’s a win-win situation!”

“But…what if we don’t succeed?” Mattie asked hesitantly. “I mean, my Grandma Thelma is pretty sharp. She can sniff out a lie in no time flat!”

Sylvan shrugged.
