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Lunch was grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup—a simple but delicious combination, Grath found. He had heard a lot about cheese from the other Kindred warriors who had called Brides from Earth. Supposedly it was a substance made from the squeezings of a bovine animal’s mammary glands. This didn’t sound at all appealing, but he found that once it was heated between two toasty slices of bread until it melted, it was absolutely delicious.

As for the tomato soup, it was sweet and tart and tangy and when Madeline showed him how to dip the buttery, melty, crispy cheese sandwich into the soup and eat it that way, Grath decided it was one of the best Earth foods he’d ever eaten.

“This is fuckingdelicious, Mrs. Porter. Er, pardon my language,” he told Madeline’s mom. “Sorry, but your food is so good it made me swear!”

Madeline’s mom laughed, her cheeks turning a becoming pink.

“I’ll forgive the swearing this time, though you’d better watch your language once you and Mattie start having babies. You don’t want them shouting swear words at daycare!”

She laughed again and Grath laughed with her but he couldn’t help thinking that here was just another sign that Madeline’s familydefinitelyexpected him to propose to her.

They expect us to be able to get Joined and bonded and have children too,he thought unhappily. If only he could really do all those things with Madeline! If only they could have a future together! He would be so happy to love her and give her children and call her family his own.

But that can never be,he reminded himself. His old love, Ar’leenah, flashed before his mind’s eye and he knew he couldn’t do to Madeline what he’d done to her. He couldn’t attempt to bond her to him, knowing it would almost certainly end in another failed bonding and pain and sorrow all around. He couldn’t risk hurting her like that!

But Gods, how he wished he could have her for good and hold her for always…

“Well, it’s time to wrap presents!” Madeline’s mother said briskly, getting up from the table. “And then we have to start getting ready to go to the Yule Ball. Mattie, dear—you have to show me your dress.”

“Oh, Mom—Grath might not want to go,” Madeline said, looking uncomfortable.

“Don’t be silly—why wouldn’t he? Isn’t he here to experience all our Christmas traditions?” her mother asked. She looked at Grath. “Youdohave a suit for the ball, don’t you? It’s a formal affair.”

Grath nodded.

“I was supplied with the correct human clothes in case there was a formal occasion,” he said gravely. Commander Sylvan’s wife’s friend, Kat, had seen that he had everything he needed before he started this mission.

“Good then!” Madeline’s mom clapped her hands together. “Then let’s clear the table and get out the wrapping paper. I know everyone must have some last minute presents they need to wrap.”

As she spoke, she and Ethan exchanged a knowing look which Grath caught. He frowned. Had Madeline’s brother-in-law told Madeline’s mother that he was going to propose tonight at the Yule Ball? And were they alluding to the extremely large diamond ring Ethan had helped him pick out at the jewelry store yesterday?

It seemed entirely too possible. There was just no way around this—the public proposal was happening at the Yule Ball tonight.

Grath just hoped it didn’t give Madeline the wrong idea.



When Mattie walked down the stairs, she felt like a princess in a fairy tale. The long, scarlet dress she’d brought just for this occasion hugged her curves. Its deep V-neckline showed just enough of her cleavage and then swept dramatically down to the floor. She had gold heels and a little gold handbag to go with it, as well as a black velvet shawl which she draped around her bare shoulders.

“Oh Mattie, you look beautiful!” her mother exclaimed, as she descended the stairway. There were tears in her eyes and Mattie could tell she was fluttering with anticipation. She must really think that Grath was going to ask Mattie to marry him tonight.

Too bad she’s going to be disappointed,Mattie thought. Or would she? Grath wouldn’tactuallypropose at the Yule Ball, would he? Surely not—she’d told him that she didn’t want her family getting their hopes up. But…what if he did? What if he felt what she felt? What if heactuallywanted to marry her and bond her to him, the way Kindred warriors did with their mates?

Mattie didn’t know all the specifics about bonding—just that it formed a telepathic link between a Kindred and his mate. She had seen Sophie use it numerous times to call Commander Sylvan. It must be useful, she’d often thought—almost like having a cell phone in your head set just to the one person who mattered most to you.

At any rate, what would she say if Grath asked her to marry him and bond with him? The thought had never occurred to her before—why would it? Before this trip, he had always been so gruff and irritating. But now she had seen a whole new side of him and it made her wonder about all kinds of things…

Speaking of Grath, he had come to wait at the foot of the stairs beside her mom and dad to watch her descend. His midnight eyes were shining as he looked up at her.

“You look beautiful, baby—fucking gorgeous,” he said, giving her his hand to help her down the last two steps.

“You’re don’t look so bad yourself,” Mattie said, smiling up at him.

In fact, he lookedamazing. He was wearing what had to be an XXXL tux but it looked like it had been tailored specially to show off his broad shoulders and muscular frame. His long black hair had been neatly tied back and for once he was wearing shoes instead of boots.

Grath leaned down to kiss her and murmured in her ear,
