Page 21 of Merried

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“You aren’t going to believe this, but we’ve been upgraded. And no, I had nothing to do with it.” I handed the piece of paper to her.

Calla raised a brow.

I sat beside her. “Look, if I had, I’d say so. I swear.”

“My guess is Rile did this. Or Deck.”


“If you don’t know how, I’m certainly not going to be the one to tell you.”

I had heard there wasn’t a firewall on the planet Decker Ashford couldn’t get beyond. If that included hacking into the airline, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

Once boarded, Calla insisted she preferred the window over the aisle, and we settled into our seats.

“Ms. Rey, Mr. Vaughn?” said the flight attendant.

“Yes,” I responded.

“This is courtesy of…” She looked at her phone. “The Invincibles?”

“Thank you,” I said when she handed each of us a glass and a bottle of Veuve Clicquot—my champagne of choice.

“This is my favorite,” Calla said when I poured a glass for each of us.

“Mine too,” I said, smiling.

“This answers the question of who’s responsible for the upgrade.”


Calla shook her head. “Rile.”

I raised a brow. “What makes you so certain?”

“He knows,” she responded, pointing to the bottle.

I was well aware Rile was a happily married man. However, that he knew Calla’s favorite champagne irked a little.

“It’s actually his wife, Kenzie, who knows. She must’ve told him.”

I smiled and she studied me.

“Tell me you weren’t jealous.”

I shrugged a shoulder, clinked her glass, and sipped my champagne. If we polished off this bottle on top of the two drinks we’d had at the bar, we’d both be a little tattered when we landed three hours from now. A little drunk was okay. Shit-faced, like we both were the night we went to Raspoutine, wasn’t.

Calla’s cheeks turned pink. “I should’ve run this by you but when Rile asked me about accommodations, I told him we were traveling together.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond.

“We’ll be staying in a guesthouse on King-Alexander Ranch,” she continued.


“It’s one of the smaller houses, so no one else will be with us.”

“Okay,” I repeated. Surely, given my education, I could’ve come up with something more or better to say, but I didn’t.
