Page 23 of Merried

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“Spider, how old were you the last time you were ‘with’ her?”



When he didn’t respond right away, I knew he was doing the math the same way I was.

“I was eighteen.”

“So, what? Fourteen years ago? I’m assuming she didn’t have a child then.”

He shook his head.

“Could the daughter be yours?” I asked.

His eyes scrunched. “No. I might’ve been a kid, but I sure as hell wasn’t an irresponsible one. I knew what was at stake.”


“The Olympics. For both of us. Not that she made the final cut.” He put his head in his hands. “Fuck.”He looked at me with wide eyes. “Sorry for cursing.”

“It’s okay. But why did you?”

“She dropped out.” He lowered his hands. “If she got pregnant, I wasn’t hard to find. Especially if that’s why she quit. She could’ve talked to me any time she wanted to.”

“No one would’ve restricted her access?”

“I don’t know who would have. She was on the team. There’s no way I could be the kid’s father. No way she wouldn’t have told me.” He leaned forward and rested his head against the seat in front of him, then turned and looked at me. “What did the girl say her name was?”


He sat upright.“Fuck,”he repeated under his breath. “Sorry.”

“Stop apologizing. I get it. Why’d you say it this time?”

“We call my brother Dein, short for Deiniol—Welsh for Daniel.”

I remembered reading Spider had a brother, but I couldn’t recall his age or even whether he was older or younger. “Do you think…”

“It wouldn’t surprise me.”

“Why would she be so hostile to you?” I asked.

“Family connection? And before you ask, Dein can be just as much of an asshole as my father.” Spider shook his head. “This would be just like him.”

“What do you mean?”

“Dein made a play for Winslow. She shut him down pretty damn quick. Not that it stopped him from trying again.”

“What’s the age difference between you?” I asked.

“He’s two years older.”

“Danielle asked if you recognized her. Does she look like him?”

He shrugged. “I’d have to get a better look. Someone else had all my attention.” He smiled, took my hand, and brought it to his lips. “Thanks, Calla.”

“What for?”
