Page 26 of Merried

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“You’re too hard on yourself.”

“I was an asshole when Winslow first escaped the kidnapper. Her parents called and asked me to step in. I tried, but it was obvious right away she felt safer with Cowboy. More than she did with me. I got pretty mad about it, left the police station, and thought about not coming back.”

“What made you change your mind?”

“I swear to God it was hearing my father’s voice in my head telling me to go back and insist I be the one to take over with whatever was happening with Winslow at that particular time.”

“So you did the opposite?”


“Who are you like? It doesn’t sound like either of your parents.”

“Kip. He was my ski coach from the time I was little. I think I started skiing with him when I was eight. He gave me the nickname Spider. Anyway, to be really good—good enough to make the Olympic team—you have to train year-round. I spent more time with Kip than I did with my parents and Dein. I wasn’t unique. Most skiers were like that.”

“I got the impression Winslow didn’t spend much time with her parents when she was growing up.”

“Yeah, her mom and dad are a lot like mine. They definitely wanted her and me to end up together. I sure am glad we didn’t.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“Winslow belongs with Cowboy, not me.”

I would ask whom he belonged with, but I knew what he’d say. Or at least I thought I knew. I wasn’t quite ready to confirm it, though.

“Why did Kip start calling you Spider?”

“I was skinnier than shit. He said my arms and legs looked as long and gangling as a spider’s.”

“And it stuck.”

“Code names aren’t as important at the bureau.”

I shrugged. “Beau is the one who started calling me Casper. I already told you that. Anyway, it stuck, like Spider did with you.”

After we landed in Austin,I received a message from Rile, saying Steel was waiting in the arrival lot and to text him as soon as we got off the plane. Once he picked us up, he’d take us to King-Alexander Ranch to get settled before tonight’s party.

“I’m glad you’re here with me. I mean, I know you’re here on your own, but you traveled with me. I’m glad of that.” I rolled my eyes at how stupid I sounded. This was why I preferred to keep my mouth shut. “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt,” as my mother used to say.

Spider put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him. “I’m glad I’m here with you too.”

I sent Steel a text, letting him know which door we were closest to. A few minutes later, a black SUV pulled up. He got out and stalked toward us.

“Whatis that?” asked Spider.

“What?Do you mean who? That’s Steel.”

“Holy shit,” I heard him mutter under his breath.

“I forgot you haven’t met him yet.”



Iwasn’t a little guy. Hell, I was six-three and weighed in around two-twenty. However, as I watched “Steel” walk toward us, I felt like that skinnier-than-shit kid I was just telling Calla about.

The guy had to be at least six inches taller than me and carried another thirty pounds of pure muscle. His long dark hair hung inches past his shoulders, and he had one of those beards that probably always looked to be the perfect length yet not groomed. Fuck, I was as straight as an arrow, andIthought the guy was hot as hell.

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