Page 28 of Merried

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“We can do that.”

“It’s hard to imagine everyone together in one place.”

“I got the impression this was really important to Rile.”

“If it weren’t for him, there wouldn’t be an Invincible Intelligence and Security Group. Especially since no one would’ve agreed to the name if he hadn’t insisted.”

I chuckled. “Decker, Edge, and Grinder couldn’t talk him out of it?”

“It’s pretty hard to change Rile’s mind if he has it set on something. Case in point, I’m here instead of Fiji.”

“Hmm. Maybe instead of an amusement park, that’s where we should go for Christmas.”

“You’d never get me to leave in time for your parents’ party.”

“All the better,” I said with a wink. “Oh, and why are we riding to the party with Rile?”

“He sent a message, a few minutes ago, saying he wanted to talk to both of us beforehand and would meet us here.”

I checked my phone and saw I’d received the same text Calla had. “Copy that.”

She raised a brow. “Everything okay?”

“To be honest, I’m not sure. A few days ago, it seemed like a really good idea to reach out to Ashford to discuss an opportunity to work with his team. Now, I’m feeling out of my element.”

She walked farther into the house and sat down on a sofa. When she waved me over, I joined her.

“I’ve felt—still feel—out of my element with this crowd too. But at the end of the day, they call me when an assignment they need help with pops up. I don’t call them. When I told Rile I wouldn’t be coming to the Christmas party, he wouldn’t take no for an answer. When I last spoke with him, he said they’re adding another team and they want me to partner. Fury Storm and Vex Dunning are heading it.”

“That’s great. I’m happy for you, Calla.”

“I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that’s what Rile wants to talk to you about too.”

I, on the other hand, would be. “Maybe. Would you have to relocate?”

She shrugged. “That might be a dealbreaker for me. What about you?”

“I’m not even sure they want me on board as a contractor.”

Calla slapped her knees. “Guess we’ll find out tonight. Maybe we should get ready.”

I suggestedshe make use of the master bedroom and took one of the smaller guest rooms for myself. After unpacking my tux, I took a long, hot shower, hoping it would settle me. I wasn’t used to feeling nervous over a job opportunity. Was that really what was behind my anxiety, though? More likely, it was the woman currently changing her clothes in the other bedroom.

The idea she might be getting out of the shower and walking naked to her bed, where she’d laid her clothes out, made me hard as a fucking rock.

“Just two people at a party together,” I said out loud. That wasn’t exactly what we’d be. No, she’d be a person at a party, and I’d be the puppy dog following her around all night, hoping she’d pat my head every now and then. Who the fuck was I? When had I reverted to the guy who’d done the same damn thing with Winslow?

Maybe if she and Cowboy were in attendance tonight, seeing them together would knock some sense into me. At the very minimum, I’d be reminded of the jackass I’d been when I’d asked her to marry me. As much as I didn’t want to be a jackass again, I didn’t know how to shake it loose.

I wanted Calla in my life so fucking bad. But she wasn’t ready to move on from her dead husband. How many times did the woman have to remind me before I finally listened?

“Spider?” I heard her say from outside the door.

“Yeah?” I responded without going over to open it since I was still in my boxers.

“Rile and Kenzie should be here soon.”

“Be out in a sec.”

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