Page 12 of Bad Nanny

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Iwas still in a state of shock. One second I’m in the high-rise office of one of the wealthiest men in the city, the next I’m chatting with his adorable daughter, and the next I’m his official nanny.

Well, maybe not official. I’d impressed him enough to land a trial, but I still had to show him I actually knew what I was doing.

Of that, I was totally confident. I’d been a nanny for years, and all of my clients had been in tears when it’d come time for me to move on. I loved kids, and I loved the work.

So, there was that. I kicked major butt as a nanny.

Still, there was something about Jason—or, Mr. Ryder, as I needed to get used to calling him. He was tough, uncompromising. Sure, he obviously had a major soft spot for Willa, but I could tell that when it came to his employees, he didn’t mess around. I knew he’d have no problem letting me know if I weren’t performing the job to his total satisfaction.

But there was the other thing, the big thing, the thing that’d pushed me to interview with him in the first place—the little matter of me needing to spy on him to make sure my brother lived to see the end of the month.

When it came to that, I had no idea what I was doing. Spying? Like Mission Impossible or something? How the hell was I going to pull that off? And not only was there that situation to worry about, but the task required me to earn Jason’s trust, to get him to think I was some normal woman. He was letting me into his home to look after the most important person in the world to him, and I was going to repay him with total betrayal.

It was enough to make my head spin.

I paced back and forth in my bedroom in the tiny Brooklyn apartment I shared with two other girls. The walls of my room seemed to be closing in, my heart racing. Part of me had hoped I wouldn’t even get the job, that I’d be able to go to Anton and tell him that there wasn’t anything I could do.

But then there was the thought of Mike. If I hadn’t managed to get the job…God, I didn’t even want to think about what would happen to him.

Mike, why the hell did you have to do it? Why the hell did you get involved with people like this? What were you thinking?

As I paced around the room for probably the hundredth time, my phone buzzed on top of my cluttered desk. The noise was enough to make my heart skip a beat.

I snatched the phone up and read the screen.

“One hour, The Reading Room. Come alone.”

However fast my heart had been beating before, the text from Anton made it go so fast I worried it might explode in my chest.

After a few breaths to calm myself down, I pulled open Google Maps and looked up the location. It was some cocktail club in Tribeca, a place I’d never been and, judging by its “$$$” label, was definitely out of my budget.

But cost of was the last thing on my mind. I knew Anton was looking for an update on this whole scheme, and the whole thing put me on edge.

I fired back a text letting him know I’d be there in a half-hour. After working up the nerve, I was out the door and on my way.

I spent the trip on the subway stressing like crazy. Soon I was in Tribeca, standing in front of the nondescript front of The Reading Room. The windows were pitch black, not allowing for a view inside. I took a deep breath, opened the door, and stepped inside.

The place was like something out of another time. It was dim, and a big, dark oak bar formed a “U” in the middle of the room. Mellow jazz music played softly over the speakers. A few round tables with candlelight sat here and there, and aside from a single man in a black waistcoat and white button-up shirt working the bar, I was alone.

He flicked his eyes up at me as I stepped in. “Ms. Flowers?” he asked as he polished a glass and set it down.

“Yes. I’m here to meet—”

“I know. Take a seat. He’ll be out in a few moments.” He gestured to one of the open tables, and I quickly sat down.

My heart was still racing—it hadn’t stopped since I’d received the text. Then, out of nowhere, a totally intrusive thought formed in my mind.

It was of Jason. I pictured him sitting at his desk, wearing that slick suit, a slight smile playing on his gorgeous features. God, he was so damn hot—part of me could think of nothing other than the idea of being in his office alone with him, him strolling confidently around the desk, standing over me where I sat.

“Go to the desk. And bend over.” He’d speak confidently, pointing casually behind him.

I’d do as he asked, feeling thrilled and a little scared all at once. With my hands on the desk, he’d take his place behind me, putting his hands on my hips and sliding them down, down, to the hem of my dress. Then he’d flick it up, exposing my thong. The air would be cool against my nearly bare ass, and his hands would move up, squeezing the round flesh gently.

I’d gasp, loving the pressure of his big, strong hands on my rear. Next would be the soft rustling of him undoing his belt and zipper, followed by the sensation of his stiff cock against my skin. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that he was huge—no man with his sort of confidence could be anything but.

He’d graze his head against my ass, a trace of wetness on his head. Then he’d slip a finger under the fabric of my panties, pulling them aside slightly, enough for my soaking wet pussy to be exposed. Then I’d feel his head against my lips, my eyes wincing shut in excitement and anticipation.
