Page 16 of Bad Nanny

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Iwas in the study of Anton’s apartment. It was the last place on earth I wanted to be. The room was done up in a classic style, like the study of some Victorian-era London home. It was old-school, just like everything else about Anton. A fire roared in the enormous fireplace, and the grandfather clock ticked on and on.

Anton was making me wait—one of the typical power plays he liked to pull. But I was used to such things by that point. I’d known the man since I was a kid, and “a kid” is how he still viewed me, despite the fact that I was in charge of the company.

Whatever. I helped myself to some of his most expensive brandy, which only seemed fair since he kept me waiting. I sat down and sipped on my drink already wanting the meeting to be over.

Finally, Anton stepped into the room. His usual pleased smile hung on his face, and his suit was so dark it nearly blended into the shadows of the low light of the study.

“Jason,” he said, crossing over to the bar and pouring himself a drink. “Glad to see you’re making yourself comfortable.”

Drink in hand, he approached and sat down in the wingback chair next to mine. He sipped his drink slowly, his eyes on the fire.

“You were vague about why you wanted to meet,” I said.

“Of course I was. You know I like to keep the dealings of the company quiet. Nothing worse than being explicit in text messages about what we’re up to.” The way he said “text messages” suggested he had nothing but disdain for them.

“Then let’s get to it. I’ve got a lot of work to do.”

“I’ve no doubt you do.” He sipped his drink slowly, letting the crackle of the fire fill the silence. “I spoke with Scott earlier.”

“Ah,” I said. “So Scott came running to you after our meeting and filled you in.”

“And why wouldn’t he? He’s in charge of the division—or he is on paper, at least. His responsibilities involve keeping me abreast of what’s happening.”

“So, he told you about my plans.”

“He confirmed what I’ve been suspecting for a while. And Jason, I’m here to tell you what a big mistake you’re making.”

“Is that so?”

He glared at me. “You’re cutting the most profitable aspect of Ryder and…what? Becoming just another financial firm?”

“Becoming ‘just another financial firm’ is how we avoid all ending up in prison. Not to mention, you know, being common criminals.”

Anton chuckled. I hated that laugh—I’d heard it since I was little, the laugh he’d give when anyone said something to him he found childish, immature, silly to even think about. Total condescension, through and through. I couldn’t wait to be done with him.

“Jason, the fact that you think what we are, what your father was, is anything even close to ‘common criminals’ is insulting. I prefer to consider us businessmen who work in the necessary but less legal side of the finance world.”

“But criminals all the same.”

“You knew that when you took the position. Your father told you what this company really was. And you took over anyway.”

“I took it over to change all that.”

Anton opened his mouth to speak, but before he said a word he closed it. Then he sighed.

“Jason,” he said, gesturing at the room around him. “All of this is a result of the hard work your father and I did, what we built.”

“I’m aware of that. But if you want to sell me on illegal business practices, you’ll have to do better than bragging about your study.”

“You know I’m not simply talking about the study. The home you live in, the education you and your brother were fortunate enough to have…that’s all because of what your father and I did for you both.”

“Oh, so it was benevolence on your part that made you want to start all this?”

“You don’t know what it’s like to have nothing, Jason. You’ve enjoyed the fruits of your father’s labor since you were a child. It’s easy for you to judge when you have no idea how hard it is to have nothing. But I knew your father for longer than you’ve even been alive—you know we’d been best friends since we were teenagers. And there was nothing more important to him than family.”

I said nothing, letting him go on.
