Page 55 of Bad Nanny

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“But what about Willa?”

“She’ll be staying with one of the neighbors. I was planning on giving you the night off, anyway.” I raised my palms. “And don’t get me wrong—if you don’t want to go, you’re under no obligation.”

April shifted in her seat, and I could tell she had reservations.

“Not into it?” I asked. “Like I said, that’s fine. Not a pro—”

“It’s not that,” she said. “It’s just…I don’t know if they’re going to be, um, my kinds of people.”

“How do you mean?”

“When I tried to get into the nonprofit sector, I was around a ton of kids from rich families. Like, really rich. I thought I’d be able to fit in, but they were like a different species.”

I laughed. “It can’t have been that bad.”

“I mean, it was just obvious we came from different circles.”

I sat back again. “Well, not to put too fine a point on it, but I’m wealthy, right?”

She looked around the room. “Obviously.”

“And we get along well, right?”


“So there you are. Trust me—some of these people can be a little…ah, disconnected from the real world, but they don’t bite. And if they do, I’ll be there to set them straight.”

This appeared to ease her mind somewhat.

“But…well, it might sound kind of frivolous, but I don’t have anything nice to wear,” she said. “Nothing for something like that, anyway.”

I waved my hand. “Don’t worry about that. I can take some time Friday and go with you to pick something out. And it’ll be on me—consider it a perk of the job.”

April took a breath, thinking it over.

“OK, sure. This could be fun.”

“Excellent. So, to wrap up your review, you’re doing great. Happy to have you aboard.”

She smiled. “Thanks. I’m happy to be here. Anything else?”

I shook my head, and she rose.

“Then I’ll get started on Willa’s homework, then some dinner after—as long as you haven’t minded my cooking so far. Salmon sound good?”

“Sounds great. And yes—I’ve loved what you’ve been preparing so far.”

She left, glancing over her shoulder at me as she stepped through the door. Right when she was gone, the image of her in her bedroom returned to my mind, my cock going hard once again.

And now she was my date.

What the hell have I done?
