Page 59 of Bad Nanny

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I blushed and tugged at the fabric of my shirt.

“Oh, this?” I asked, feeling a touch overwhelmed. “It’s just a peasant blouse. Nothing crazy.”

“It looks great. Noticed right away how well you dress.”

It was almost funny to hear a man like Jason discuss women’s clothes. But he was a sharp dresser—I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised that would encompass fashion other than suits.

“Where’d you get that?” he went on.

“This vintage store in Bushwick. When you’re dressing on a budget, you learn how to be creative, you know?”

As soon as the words left my mouth I knew he, in fact, didn’t know. There probably hadn’t been a time in Jason’s life that he had to worry about a budget for anything, let alone clothing.

“I can see you’re pulling it off.”

The car pulled to a halt in front of a small boutique. It took one glance at the mannequins in the window to confirm it was out of my price range. Jason stepped out of the car and extended his hand to me. I took it, and he lifted me to my feet.

“Um, this is a pretty fancy place.”

He flashed me a sly smile, one that suggested he was going to do no such thing as check the price tags.

“Just pick out something nice—that’s all you need to worry about.”

Without another word, Jason held open the door for me, and I stepped into the boutique.

I was blown away by what I saw. The dresses and gowns on display were like nothing I’d ever seen before—shimmering and gorgeous and elegant. They were like something out of a fairy tale.

The girl at the register’s eyes clapped right onto Jason, a smile forming on her red lips.

“Good morning,” she said. “Something I can help you with?”

“My date for tonight needs a gown. Anything just come in that might catch her eye?”

I stepped up to one of the gowns on display, a light blue number that was made so finely the fabric seemed lighter than air. I ran my fingers over the delicate gown, relishing the softness against my fingertips.

“Well,” said the clerk. “Th—”

Without thinking, I spoke up. “Actually, I think I’ve got this. I’ll just take a look around myself, if that’s all right.”

Jason raised an eyebrow. The clerk seemed surprised.

“Well,” she said. “If you need any help, I’m here.”

“Thanks,” I said with a polite smile before turning my attention back to the clothes.

“I see you know what you’re doing,” Jason said. “Have at it.”

I’d never been the kind of woman to need a man to dote on me. I’d always taken pride in my independence and my ability to get things done all on my own. But at the same time, I knew a once-in-a-lifetime occasion when I saw it. And a rich guy giving me a blank check to get some clothes I’d never be able to afford myself was most definitely one of them.

Jason took a seat in one of the waiting chairs while I went to town. I perused the dresses, my eyes flitting from gown to gown as I took in the sights.

“How about this one?” asked Jason, gesturing toward a shimmering red gown.

I stepped up close to it, my gaze jumping from point to point. Once I was done, I shook my head.

“This won’t do,” I said.

“Really?” Jason stepped to my side.
