Page 67 of Bad Nanny

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“Right. I remember you when you were working for the Winterfords. You’d show up in your cute little trendy hipster clothes, take Parker out on the town. You were good at your job, if I remember. But I’ve also met more than a few women like you—you’re a common type.”

If there was any doubt the conversation wasn’t some kind of friendly catch-up, that did it.

“A common type,” I said. “You’re going to have to let me know what you mean by that.”

“Girls trying to move too far above their station. Listen, you might have some big ideas in mind about Jason, batting those big eyes of yours and hoping he decides to pull you up from your thirty-thousand-a-year life. But it’s not going to happen. Men like him have more sophisticated tastes in women.”

“What the hell is this all about?” I asked, a surge of anger running through me. “Jason and I are here as friends. What, you’re trying to make sure I don’t get the wrong idea about him dating a peasant or something?”

She raised her slim, immaculately sculpted eyebrows. “A peasant? Well, those were your words, not mine. But it isn’t too far from the truth.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Anna and her friends were totally mean-girling me, evidently seeing a woman among a class where they felt she didn’t belong.

“Listen, Anna,” I said. “I don’t know what kind of eighteenth-century bullshit world you think you live in, but people can go out on dates with whomever they want. And if you’re going to act like some snooty freaking aristocrat about it, then I don’t want to waste my time with you. Frankly, I’m above that.”

“Oh,” she said, pretending to be impressed. “‘Aristocrat’—you learn about that at your state college?”

The other women laughed, but I kept my composure. “Right, with the state education I paid for with my own money. I’ve earned what I have—something someone like you wouldn’t know anything about.”

Anna narrowed her eyes. “Just remember who you are and where you came from. Last thing any of us want is for you to feel uncomfortable at another one of our parties.”

“And the last thing I’d want you to have to deal with is some upstart social climber looking to steal your silver spoons.”

Had Anna really expected me to buckle under her bullying?

Before either of us could say another word, I glanced to my left to see Jason approaching. The attitudes of the three women changed right away, their backs going stiff and the sneering expressions vanishing from their faces.

“We all getting acquainted?” asked Jason, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

“Jason,” said Anna, a small smile on her lips. “Just catching up with April here.”

“Hmm,” he said, his tone suggesting he knew exactly what was going on. “Well, if you all don’t mind, I’d like to spend some time alone with my date.”

“Of course,” said Anna. She nodded to her friends then took one last look at me before they hurried off.

My heart raced. I was pissed, totally disbelieving that someone would talk to me like that. I took a quick drink of my wine, my eyes wide.

“That…was something,” said Jason, his tone even, maybe even a touch amused.

“‘Something’ is right. Can you believe them? What the hell even was that?”

“It was some society women trying to make sure you knew your place in the pecking order. Didn’t go how they were hoping, I think.”

“It was some total mean-girls shit. Acting all nice and friendly at first, then pulling the claws out. Middle-aged women acting like that—can’t even freaking believe it.”

“I was going to step in sooner, but you looked like you were handling yourself. It was impressive.”

“Happy to impress,” I said. “And you were right about not needing to step in. Never needed anyone to stick up for me before, and tonight’s no different.”

“Some bullies use fists, some use words. But either way, the most important thing is to fight back, show that you’re not an easy target. And that’s exactly what you did.”

I sighed, letting my nerves untangle.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“A little shaken up, but fine.”

“We don’t have to stick around. I’ve got a speech here in a few minutes, but after that, we’re free to leave at any time.”
