Page 75 of Bad Nanny

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“No, you most certainly don’t.”

“But, sometimes things like that ‘just happen,’ as they say. I try to keep my desires in check, but I’m only human.”

Hisdesires. I desired him, and he desired me. But that didn’t matter at that point.

“If we’re going to have a good working relationship, we’ll have to let what happened stay in the past. And I want to make sure you’re on the same page.”

Was he worried I was going to say I was in love with him or something? Was he treating me like some potentially clingy girl he had to “deal with?”

How did I even feel? Everything had happened so fast I hadn’t gotten a chance to even think about wrapping my head around it.

“Yeah, you’re right.” What else could I say?

“Good. Willa will be home in a little bit, and we’ve both got a full day ahead of us.” He paused. “I told Willa I’d take her out for dinner tonight—kind of a daddy-daughter thing. So your evening’s free to do with as you please.”

There was something about his tone. He was calm and clear and professional, like he’d fully shifted over to speaking to me as an employee rather than…whatever the hell we were. I should’ve been relieved that there was no serious awkwardness, but it still sat strangely with me.

“OK, great,” I said. “I’ll…find something to do with myself.”

He nodded. “Anyway, you should get back to your room and get ready for the day.”


Another beat of odd silence. I rose from the bed and started off. On the way out I glanced at him, hoping he might give me…I don’t know, a look or something that would answer the questions roiling around in my mind. But he didn’t. Jason’s attention was fixed on his dresser as he looked over his watches, trying to pick out what he’d put on that day.

Then I left, and that was that. I hurried to my room, shutting the door behind me and letting out all the air in my lungs, trying to process what the hell had just happened.

I’d slept with my boss. And not only that, I’d slept with a criminal kingpin. And not only that, but I’d slept with a man I was supposed to betray.

How the hell would I deal with it? And more importantly, what the hell had I been thinking?

I shucked off the clothes, hurrying into the shower and doing a quick wash. I’d hoped the shower would set my mind right, but images from last night kept flashing into my thoughts. I remembered him and me in the backseat of the car, how good he’d tasted, how he’d brought me to orgasm. I remembered going down on him, how his cock felt in my mouth. And I remembered him buried inside of me, filling me in exactly the way I wanted.

It was the last stuff that should’ve been on my mind. But again and again the memories kept popping in, as if I were trying to torment myself.

After my shower, I threw on some casual clothes and went down to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Right during the middle of preparing my meal, the front doors opened, and Willa rushed inside, running to the kitchen.

“Good morning!” she said, all chipper and happy.

“Morning, Will,” I said, glancing back over my shoulder as I scrambled some eggs. “Hungry?”

“So hungry,” she said. “The McPhersons are really into health food and stuff, so we had vegetables for breakfast, and that’s it. I’m starving.”

I chuckled. “Well you’re in luck, I’m making a lot.”

I went back to it, and Willa didn’t waste any time flying into her questions. She wanted to know all about the evening, what me and Jason had gotten up to. So, I filled her in, telling her about the ball, her dad’s speech, and how we’d danced.

But, of course, there was one glaring detail that I’d omitted. Speaking of betrayals, wasn’t me hooking up with her dad something like that?

“Is it burning?”

I snapped out of my daydreaming and turned my attention to the pancakes. They weren’t burning, but they’d gotten pretty damn close. I turned down the heat and made myself focus.

Get it together, April.

When breakfast was ready, I plated it up, and Willa and I set into it, more questions flowing from her as I danced around the subject of me and her dad. And speaking of Jason, I didn’t see hide nor hair of him as during breakfast. And I didn’t see him while I was cleaning up, Willa having gone to the home theater to watch some Netflix.

The rest of the morning and the afternoon flew by, me and Willa watching TV and taking a break for lunch. Around early evening, I finally saw Jason. He emerged from his office, trotting down the stairs as Willa and I hung out in the kitchen drinking chocolate milk.
