Page 22 of Moth Wanted

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I turn my gaze from him to check on Tessie. Before I can see her, my chin is grasped and my face is gently, but firmly directed so I am looking at Justice.

“So he is flying about with his hands cuffed?”

“Presumably. Or maybe not. He seems like the resourceful kind. Look. Let me down from here. This is starting to become obnoxious.”

“I agree,” he says firmly.


I hear Tessie squeal. Obigor barks. They both share the same pitch of shrill outrage and fear.

I renew my struggles, which, as before, only serves to get me even more stuck in Order’s web. I can just barely see where she was standing. She is gone. Obigor is gone. Order is gone. I see her walking stick lying on the ground. As I watch, one of Order’s limbs comes briefly into my limited field of vision to snatch it up.

“What’s he doing to her? Let her go!”

“I need reassurance that you will not attempt to take my brother into your custody. I believe that is what you intended to do, and I will not tolerate it. I need you to help me, detective. I do not need for you to help yourself.”

“Fuck you. Let me out of here, and give Tessie back, or I swear to god, I will have both of you freaks inside a cell before you can say giant can of insect spray.”

Justice lets out a grim chuckle. “You’re impertinent and your threats are ill-advised. I think I will let you dangle a little longer, detective, until you come to terms with who is in charge here.”

Oh, this asshole is really annoying me now. “If any harm comes to Tessie, or her dog, I will not stop. I will destroy the both of you.”

“She is in no danger.”

“She’s been abducted by a massive human spider!”

“He won’t hurt her. Probably. You should have known better than to bring us a hostage.”

“I thought we were on the same side.”

“We are not. We are on very different sides. It’s just that for the moment, our interests align.”

“I’m going to give you fair warning,” I say, swinging lightly in the breeze with the momentum of the web set in motion by my struggles. “I am not the girl you want to be fucking with on this.”

Justice laughs, reaches out, and spanks my upturned ass. Hard. I didn’t notice that I’d somehow put myself in the perfect position to be punished, but there’s no denying that my bent, trapped knees present the rounds of my rear for his discipline almost as perfectly as if it were intentional.

His slap makes me squirm and makes the web shake. I am once again set swaying back and forth. Justice takes full advantage of that, slapping my ass, letting me swing away, and then smacking me again when I swing back.

“The fuck! What are you doing?”

“Punishing you for your rudeness, your ineptitude in catching my brother, and your attempt to incarcerate him.”

“But… you weren’t there. How am I supposed to catch someone with wings? I can cuff him all I like, he’s always going to be able to fly away. And.. oW! Cut that the fuck out!”

He does not cut it the fuck out. He spanks me until my ass is throbbing and sore as hell, and I am feeling both pissed off and very sorry for myself. I no longer feel like helping him, that’s for sure. I want to see him behind bars for assaulting an officer.

I want him to respect me. I want him to treat me like a person of authority. But he clearly doesn’t see me that way. To Justice, I am nothing but a pawn to be used and punished if I fail to serve to his satisfaction.

This was the last thing I expected to have happen tonight. I thought he might be slightly miffed at what happened, but this is… he’s treating me like a servant who failed to please her master.

“You need to be more careful,” he lectures. “You walked into the web the moment you saw it, and you brought a friend with you in a very delicate condition. She could have been greatly harmed if you had encountered a hostile beast.”

“You are a hostile beast! And she’s been kidnapped.”

“Don’t worry about her. Worry about yourself, brat.”

“Brat!” I repeat his comment, offended. How dare he. “I am an officer of the law. I am a detective of the New York City Police Department. I bring down murderers. I protect people. I am not a fuckin’ brat.”
