Page 18 of Mama

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“Lila Adams, Caspian Nemo, and Xavier Colest, but you can call me the warlock.” I project my voice so it’s loud and intimidating, and the operator jumps to attention. “We have a booking to be directly teleported to the Adams’ family compound.”

He stares at our mist shrouded form with wide-eyed awe, and Cas chuckles quietly. The operator clears his throat and pushes a few buttons on the console. “Ah, yes, it seems all of your paperwork is in order. Caspian Nemo and Xavier Colest have had their extended visas approved, and Lila Adams’ citizenship papers have been filed with her Skarrian abilities.” He swallows deeply, his eyes getting even wider as he reads what they are. “Holy shit, a mimic and a whisperer. That’s unheard of,” he mutters quietly, but all three of us hear it, and I feel Lila stiffen in our arms. Cas just strokes her back, cooing reassuring words to her. “Okay, prepare for transfer.” He pushes a button, and our bodies dissolve into molecules before reforming in front of the Adams’ family compound on the planet’s surface.

I allow the mist to recede, and we separate reluctantly. Lila shivers a little at the loss of contact. “I was all snuggly and warm, I was not expecting this.” The wind is blowing, and the pitch-black clouds look ominous and dark, hiding the light pink sky. “It was balmy and warm on Fluxx.” She grimaces as a drop of water splatters on her forehead, and the three of us hurry for the portico just before the heavens open up.

“It’s the cold season on Skarr at the moment. Fluxx is opposite, and it’s the warm season,” Cas explains loudly, his voice competing with the noisy rain.

“Well, that’s going to make swimming and laying the babies in the ocean unpleasant,” she grumbles, and Cas rubs her arms reassuringly.

“No, sweetie, you won’t even notice under the water, and your body will regulate its temperature.”

“Come on, your grandpas have been waiting, not to mention Saxon and Link. I’m sure they are all going to be surprised by your appearance.” I rub my hand across her belly and jump in fright as it moves rather violently. “What the fuck was that?” I yell, completely shocked.

Cas and Lila burst into laughter, and Lila grabs my hand, placing it back on her bump. “That was our children saying hello to their daddy.”

“Daddy?” The whisper slips out as I marvel at the feeling of our children moving inside her. “I’m going to be a daddy!” Cas slaps me on the back, and I grunt.

“Kind of mind-blowing, isn’t it?” He doesn’t seem bothered in the least that Lila is calling me Daddy to his children. This shifter really is a kind and generous soul, and the perfect match to our mate who has the same kind of nature.

“I will be honored to be a father to your children,” I tell him gruffly, my emotions riding me hard.

“Lead the way, Daddy Warlock. I need to see my cyborg and vampire.” Lila pushes me toward the door, the bad weather behind us completely forgotten.

I put my hand against the biometric lock, and the door opens, allowing us entry. “We’ll have to program you both in so you can come and go as you please. I’m sure you’re going to want to swim.” I lead the way through the entryway of the large mansion.

The thing sits empty for most of the year, and when we arrived unexpectedly three days ago, there were small forcefield barriers over all the furniture, protecting them from dust, but the rest of the house needed a good cleaning. I was able to use my magic to do that, saving us a lot of work. William and Eric don’t want to hire any staff because we will only be here for a short period of time, and since Lila doesn’t have control of her mimic abilities, it would risk the babies, despite the spell Corethea placed on her bracelet.

Teleporting with her was a risk, but it was the lesser risk as opposed to exposing her to lots of people using their abilities in everyday life. The bracelet was mostly for me so I could be here for this experience. She already has Cas’s and Saxon’s abilities, due to their mating, and Link can only share his if he shares his nanobots. Cyborgs are the only being that mimics can’t mimic because they are not fully organic.

I stop in the center of the grand foyer and point to the left. “That wing is ours. We all have bedrooms, and Saxon, Link, and I have been setting up a nursery. I know we won’t be here all that long, but we thought the babies needed their own space.” Lila practically melts into a puddle of goo, and I grimace. It was all Link’s idea, but of course I’m not going to let him take all the credit.

She starts to step toward it, but I grab her hand. “I’ll show you shortly, but your grandpas will kick my ass if I don’t bring you to see them before we squirrel you away.”

She looks longingly in the direction of our wing but comes along easily. We make our way through their part of the compound, and as we approach their living area, I can hear unfamiliar voices. I didn’t think William and Eric were expecting anybody, so I wonder who it could be. I allow my mist to recover my form, because using it as an intimidation tactic works quite well, and from the tone of the conversation, it doesn’t sound to be a happy one. I just hope it doesn’t upset Lila. I will not be happy if it does.


Xavier hesitates before he enters the living area. “There wasn’t anyone here when I left to get you, so I’m not sure who is in there now. We can come back later and see them,” he suggests, but I strain my ears to hear. I’m a nosy bitch, and I want to know who it is.

“That sounds like the whiny tones of my cousins,” I say and clench my fists. “I can’t believe they have the audacity to show up here after the shit they pulled with Viggy. It had to have been them—a distraction so that we were all busy dealing with that while the warlocks and Josa released Saxon. I still think those Vilaxian bitches had a hand in it too, but they were smart enough not to be caught. Who else would be able to leave a blank space in the transporter’s mind if it wasn’t the warlocks?”

“No, the more I think about it, the more I believe that we are on the right path, but why? How are they going to benefit if you are dead? They are not Adams,” Xavier muses quietly so that the people in the other room don’t catch onto us being here.

“Well, they wouldn’t know that only an Adams can inherit because of the orb protection, would they? And without any other blood relatives, maybe they are hoping for it to pass to one by marriage,” Cas suggests, and I frown.

“I guess it’s a possibility. Come on, standing out here isn’t getting us anywhere. We may learn something if we’re in there.” I push through the double doors and enter a big lounge room. A large, comfy sectional sofa takes up a good amount of the space with three of the surrounding walls covered in bookcases, and there’s even a fireplace built into a gap between them. The last wall is all glass, showing a furious-looking ocean only about fifty feet from the back patio. My book loving soul weeps with joy as I imagine snuggling into one of those cloud-like sofas with a good book, a warm fire, and a mate rubbing my feet. Pure heaven!

My good mood rapidly plummets, however, as I take in who, exactly, is currently sitting on my cloud sofa—Phillip, Fiona, and an older-looking woman, and by older, I mean she looks to be about the same age as my grandpas, but let’s face it, they are a lot older than they look too. She has the same red hair as the twins, and when she sees me, her mouth puckers up in disapproval like a cat’s asshole. She looks over the top of her glasses, and I can practically feel her disdain.

“Oh my goodness, Lila, look at you!” Eric exclaims, jumping to his feet and striding over to me. He pulls me into a big hug. “Thank fuck you’re here. Please help us,” he whispers quickly in my ear before pulling away and looking down at my baby bump. “You really popped out, didn’t you?” His eyes sparkle with excitement.

I rub my hand over the offending bump and grin at him. “Yup, I sure did. I guess that’s what happens when there are three in there.”

“Three? Like a litter,” the older woman sneers, looking mildly repulsed.

“No, like triplets,” William answers, gesturing to himself and his brother, and the woman blushes slightly.

“Of course, I should have remembered they would run in your family.”
