Page 32 of Mama

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Holy fuck.Blinding pleasure pulses through me in waves, like the rolling edge of the ocean. I close my eyes and just enjoy the bliss.

Yes, oh yes, that’s it. It’s happening,Nikos mutters inside my head, our bodies now aligned once more. His arms are clasped around me in a punishing grip, and the only thing keeping us afloat is the occasional beat of his tail.

His cock pulses inside me before stilling completely. I feel a sucking sensation, which triggers another orgasm, and Nikos groans loudly as my whole lower region pulses.Fuck.He’s panting, and his eyes are closed as he, too, rides out the orgasm.Yes, oh yes, it’s as magical as I thought it would be.

That gets my attention. Was Nikos a virgin despite all his ridiculous, arrogant flirting? I let him ride out his bliss, but I eventually come to my senses and look around, feeling flat out panic.

Where the fuck are we?I ask pushing his body away from mine. His hard dick flaps in the water now that it’s no longer locked inside me.

I do not know. I’m sorry, I was lost to our passion, he says, looking around.

A rush of anger and panic surges through my body, and I change back into my half kraken form.

Nikos, you fucking idiot. No one is guarding my babies!I scream at him inside his head, and he winces as I turn and hurry instinctively in the direction I know they are.

I race as fast as I can push my body. If anything has happened to them, I am never going to forgive him.

Caviar, please forgive me. I did not mean to put them in danger. I was just so thrilled you finally accepted me.

I didn’t!I scream, not turning around. It was all my kraken. Go away, I never want to see you again. Because of your single-minded selfishness, we may have lost our children before they even had the chance to live.

But, Lila…Nikos sounds devastated, but I can’t even look at him. You are my mate, we are one.

I ignore him and keep swimming, but I pull up fast when I see the whathefucorcadile swimming not far from the mouth of my cave. I can see two of them, but the third is missing. I scream and race toward them. Nikos keeps pace with me, his trident appearing in his hand out of nowhere, but before either of us can get to them, something bursts out of the mouth of my cave.

My heart drops. Am I about to witness the death of my babies? When the bubbles and furious water movement settles, I find a green water dragon with one of the whathefucorcadiles in its mouth. Blood drips from its wounds, and it looks to be lifeless. The dragon opens his mouth, and the whathefucorcadile drifts free, sinking to the bottom of the ocean. The other two quickly follow it down, snatching it up before it can hit the floor and swimming away with it, fighting between themselves.

Oh my god. The water dragon saved my babies.

No, it is impossible. Water dragons do not exist,Nikos mutters next to me, but I ignore him and swim directly for the creature’s huge head. I wrap my arms around it, my breasts almost pressing against its eye as I whisper my gratitude.

Thank you so much. How can I ever repay you? I ask the magnificent creature.If you ever want to watch Cas and me in the mating dome again, I am totally okay with that. I rain kisses down over his scaly head before pulling away and swimming for the cave.

But, Lila,Nikos calls, but I ignore him, and I hear the water dragon growl at him. My kraken sends me sulky vibes, and I ignore her too.

It’s your fault we almost lost our babies,I scold her, and I get a smug response.

I knew the dragon would watch them.

I’m sorry, what?I ask, but she retreats without answering me. Well, I will worry about that later, because right now, all I want is to be near my babies and reassure myself everything is okay. I’m not sure how I’ll ever forgive Nikos for this.

* * *


Iwatch my mate swim away without even looking back at me, and my heart sinks. Have I just ruined the best thing that has ever happened to me? I became carried away when she shifted into mer form, and I wasn’t able to fight the need to swim with her, tangle our tails together, and mate. When she spoke, her voice lilting with a siren’s seductive tone as she begged for more, I was lost to the pull, and we swam far away from her birthing cave, leaving the babies vulnerable to attack—something I never would have done if I had been in my right mind. Honestly, I never thought her kraken would have allowed it despite her having shifted into a mermaid.

She is never going to forgive me for putting her babies at risk. I’m not sure I can ever forgive myself. When I saw those predators at the mouth of the cave, I thought I was going to vomit. Then, though, the water dragon, a creature I have never seen or heard of before, came bursting out of the cave, saving their babies. The relief and gratitude I felt was indescribable, but before I could thank him, he disappeared into the depths, a silent and ghostly savior.

Staring into the dark cave, I consider following Lila and begging for her forgiveness. She does not know it, but I claimed her today. When my bite pierced her skin, I marked her in the way an Aquilian marks their chosen mate. I thought she had felt the pull too, but it was not returned, and when she shifted back to her half kraken form, the mark had vanished. Did it not take? Am I doomed to be alone for the rest of my life? To make it worse, when she told me she never wanted to see me again, I felt the attraction mark on my shoulder fade.

Dejected, I turn my back on the cave and swim to the island I landed my shuttle on. I will return home and wait for us to be resummoned for the circus, and if the summons never comes, then I’ll know that Lila does not forgive me and all hope is lost.


Ithought the horny can of cat food would stick around, but when Cas returns a few hours later, I ask him if he saw him, and he looks surprised.Nikos was here?

I then explain what happened, hoping he won’t hate me forever. I’m in tears by the time I finish the story, but all he does is gather me in his arms and whisper words of love and forgiveness, telling me not to blame myself and that everything will be alright.
