Page 34 of Mama

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“Cas, I don’t think there is a chance our babies aren’t going to have potty mouths, but I will try.”

A brush of fur against my naked hip has me turning from my mate, and I look down. Echo is there, rubbing his face over as much exposed skin as he can and purring loudly, his whiskers tickling me. Behind him is Maxsim.

“Hello, pretty kitty,” I say, reaching out to stroke the top of his head, pleased to see they are still here, guarding the beach for us. “Thank you both. We appreciate your help with guarding our babies.” Maxsim gets down in a kitty crouch and slinks along the beach, moving closer and closer as Echo looks up and paws at my body.

I crouch down and let them have a look at Cally. “This is our daughter Calypso, and Caspian has Jack and Cordelia,” I tell them.

Both cats crowd in close and sniff the baby in my arms. She reaches out a couple of tentacles and touches their fur before snatching them back again. I watch with amusement as they all size each other up. Cally tries again, feeling bolder this time, and strokes the cats’ heads. Both of them purr loudly, and she slides out of my arms and climbs over Echo’s head, settling herself at the base of his neck and burrowing down into his fur.

I smile. “I think Echo just found a new friend. He must be keeping her warm. Come on, let’s hurry back to the house before I freeze my nipples off.”

Before I can stand up, a warm tongue swipes across my nipples, and I yelp in surprise before staring at Maxsim in shock. His tongue just lolls out of his mouth like he's laughing at me.

“Good one, but now they’re even colder with your slobber on them,” I snark at him, even though I’m confused about how I feel. He gives me the cat version of a shrug and lopes up the beach toward the house. I get to my feet and turn to Cas.

“Did you see that?” I ask him, and he grins.

“I guess Maxsim missed you. Come on, let’s get up to the house. We can introduce the kids to the rest of our family and then put them in the special cribs Link got them. They should be happy in there.”

With Echo glued to my side, and Cally attached to his neck, we all make our way back to the house. I can’t wait to introduce the rest of my family to my babies, and I can’t wait to dive into being a mother. Originally, I was worried I wouldn’t have any maternal feelings, but I can’t even begin to describe how much I love our babies already. I would blow up worlds for them, so the Syndicate better watch out, because I am coming for them.

Nobody puts my children’s lives in danger and gets away with it.

The End…
