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Once they were alone, the blonde woman—Breenah thought she had called herself “Dr. Liv”—had examined her and asked her to explain what had happened between herself and Rax. Breenah had told her as best she could, though the events of the Lunar Equinox were a bit jumbled in her head. What she mainly remembered was the intense pleasure which bordered on pain as she submitted to Rax’s Beast and let him breed her.

Just thinking of that made her cheeks get hot with a blush. Goddess, what a night! She wondered where Rax was now and what he was doing? She hadn’t seen him since he had laid her down on the strange, adjustable bed and left the little room.

Just then the door across from her opened and Dr. Liv poked her head in.

“Oh good—you’re awake.” She smiled at Breenah as she came in and shut the door behind her. “How are you feeling?”

“I think I’m all right,” Breenah tried to sit up a little more and winced at the twinge between her thighs. “Still a little sore between my legs, though,” she confessed.

“That’s understandable, considering what you went through,” Dr. Liv told her, nodding. “A forced breeding—especially with a male as big as Commander Rax—is hard on a girl.”

Breenah frowned.

“But it wasn’t Rax—it was his Beast. And he didn’t force me—not really. I submitted to him—it was the only way to keep his attention away from my Compound and the other women.”

“You still felt like you had to submit, rather than wanting to have consensual sex,” Dr. Liv said gently. “And the male who did this to you was twice your size and extremely rough, from what Commander Rax has told me. So it’s no wonder you’re sore.”

“He was a little rough, but he wasn’t cruel,” Breenah objected. “Do you know where Rax is?” she added. “I haven’t seen him since he brought me here. I really need to talk to him.”

Dr. Liv ran a hand through her long blonde hair.

“I believe he’s trying to give you a little space. He feels deeply ashamed of what happened to you.”

“He does?” Breenah frowned. “But…he warned me that his Beast would try to…try to breed me if he got loose. If anything, it’s my fault for not listening when he tried to warn me. I should have released him from the Magno-manacles and let him go home before the three moons of my planet met in the Lunar Equinox.”

Dr. Liv shook her head.

“Well, let’s wait before we start assigning blame.”

“But it sounds like Rax is blaming himself!” Breenah was beginning to get upset. “He couldn’t help what his Beast did. Please…” She gave the other woman a pleading look. “He’s the only person I know here and I’ve never been away from my Compound before. I…I’d really like to see him.”

“I’ll see what I can do—I promise.” Dr. Liv squeezed her arm gently. “But right now, there’s one more test I want to run on you.”

“What kind of test?” Breenah asked mistrustfully. She’d been poked and prodded and examined ever since she’d gotten here and she was getting tired of it.

“A blood test, I’m afraid,” Dr. Liv said briskly. “Do me a favor and pick an arm for me to draw blood from—I promise I’ll be quick,” she added.

Breenah sighed and pushed up the voluminous light blue fabric of her left sleeve to bare her arm. She wished she could just get out of here and go find Rax, but she was pretty sure they weren’t going to let her.

Maybe I could sneak away, she thought as the needle bit into the large vein in the crook of her left elbow. She didn’t feel dizzy anymore—just a little sore. I need to find him—need to tell him I’m not angry with him. And that…I miss him.

But did the giant miss her? Breenah hoped so. She felt like something inside her was calling out to him—missing him more every hour they were apart. Would she ever get a chance to tell Rax that and find out if he felt the same?

Breenah just didn’t know. If he kept on avoiding her because he felt guilty, she might never get to see him and tell him how she felt.

“All right, all done,” Dr. Liv’s cheerful voice said as she withdrew the needle. She took the vial of blood she’d drawn from Breenah’s arm and put it in a small silver machine. The machine wasn’t very large and it had a kind of spout and tray at its base. It spun the vial around and around, humming softly to itself while it did so. Then, it made a ding and something came out of its spout and landed in the tray—though it was too small for Breenah to see what it was.

“Hmm…” Dr. Liv scooped whatever had come out of the machine carefully into the palm of her hand and then looked at Breenah. “Breenah,” she said. “I’m afraid you and I need to have a very serious discussion.”
