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“As soon as we’re done, you can call them, Vi. I promise.”

Still struggling to make sense of everything around me, I agreed with Rose. It was her wedding, after all. The longer I sat there, letting Vic work on me, the antsier I grew, though. Then it was time for the dresses, and I didn’t even chance looking in a mirror once I saw Vic’s face. I knew I looked ridiculous. While everyone cheered and shared glasses of champagne, I inched towards the door, trying to make my escape so I could find my phone. Before I could, though, we were being herded together for pictures and then led through the hotel for even more pictures.

I knew I wasn’t going to get to call them when Rose shot an apologetic look at me. I sucked in a deep breath and smiled. It would be okay. I’d faced off with my parents. I could be strong and fix whatever damage I’d done with the guys. I’d needed a nap after facing off with Mom and Dad, but still… I’d been bold and pointed. I was stronger. I could make it through Rose’s wedding.

When I walked down the aisle in possibly the ugliest dress known to man, holding a giant bouquet, I couldn’t stop the smile on my face. I took in the room around me, the guests, the flowers, and finally Anthony, who was standing at the front of the room. He grinned at me and winked, but I could see his nerves. I didn’t know what he’d been through that day, after what Mom and Dad had pulled, but I knew that he loved Rose. Instead of taking my place in front of the other bridesmaids, I walked to him and grinned before hugging him tightly.

“Thank you for being the best man for my sister. And for being a damn good brother to me.”

He squeezed me and grunted. “You have no idea.”

I took my place and narrowed my eyes at him, unsure of what he meant. But then Rose was walking down the aisle, and I forgot about everything else for the moment. Dad was walking her, his eyes watery as he glanced at me. He gave Rose away to Anthony, and then the minister started the ceremony. I stood there, happiness for Rose overwhelming me. She’d done the right thing by marrying Anthony. It didn’t matter what our parents thought.

I glanced out at the people in attendance and found myself searching for Ian. Of course, he wasn’t there, though. I’d blown him off. Why would he think I wanted him at the wedding when I’d ditched him the night before? But I couldn’t help searching for him. There were so many people I didn’t recognize and no one I desperately wanted to see.

More than once, I met the haughty gaze of Aunt Sue. I knew that she’d never let go of the fact that I hadn’t shown up to the wedding with a date, but I didn’t care. After facing Mom and Dad, I felt like I could handle anything. Telling my aunts and uncles off might even be fun.

While the minister spoke, I thought about what I wanted to say to Adam, Ian, and Jayden. I thought about the explanations I owed them and the promises I was ready to make. They’d opened their hearts to me, even though it meant sharing me with other men. I wanted to show them that they owned my heart completely.

I looked out at the audience again and smiled to myself. If I could ever convince the guys that marriage was a great plan, there was no way I would invite even ten percent of the people Rose had at her wedding. I didn’t want the fancy hotel ballroom, thousands of dollars in flowers, or even bridesmaids. If I imagined walking down the aisle to my men, it was just us. I could see walking down a clearing of trees to reach them, and the wedding taking place in Adam’s forest.

My hands tingled with the urge to create. I could smell my wedding in the woods. There were the notes from each man I loved, the cedar and pine from the trees around us, and the vintage lace of my dress.

After that, I’d eventually add the light note of baby powder when a kid came along. With a clear head and a focused heart, I could create the scents for the rest of our lives. A special combination of notes for each special moment that we all spent together.

I shifted and twisted the bouquet in my hands. I wanted to go find my men. I wanted to tell them everything that was racing through my head. I wanted to share my feelings and how I’d faced my demons. I wanted so much, but I was trapped in front of Rose’s wedding, waiting for her and Anthony to exchange their vows.

Even though I was in a hurry, when they finallydidexchange vows, I cried. I whistled when they kissed and cheered for them as they walked down the aisle together.

My attempt to escape was botched by the other bridesmaids pulling me with them to another area of the hotel, where we had to takemorepictures with the parents and family. I was going to lose my mind, I knew. Poor Rose was going to have to photoshop my face in every photo.

The ballroom had been turned over by staff, and the guests had been led back in by the time we were finished. Once again, I was thwarted. I’d have to wait until after the DJ introduced the wedding party to slip away.

Instead of doing the entrance the normal way, Anthony slipped inside the room first and pulled Rose with him. The crowd cheered for them, but over the sound of the cheering, I heard the start of a song I knew too well. My heart jumped as I pushed past the rest of the bridesmaids.



Everyoneandeverythingfadedthe moment I stepped into the ballroom and saw my three men on the stage. Ian stood between Jayden and Adam, a mic in front of them. Their eyes all moved to me as the music picked up. I stumbled in their direction, needing to be closer. I bumped into chairs and people, but I didn’t care.

Ian’s deep voice felt like it crawled inside my chest and wrapped itself around my heart as he sang about fools rushing in and how he couldn’t help falling in love. Jayden and Adam joined, and they sang the old Elvis ballad together, the one I’d played a few times too many while working in the garage. I hadn’t noticed them listening to it. That was them, though. They noticed me. They saw me and everything about me.

I drank them in, noticing they were all in suits, and didn’t stop moving until I was against the stage, staring up at them. Clutching my hands to my chest, I smiled and desperately tried to tell them that I loved them, using just my eyes. I needed them to know as fast as possible.

The song slowed to an end and Ian stepped away from the mic to clear his throat. His eyes never left mine as he stepped back up to the mic. “Still running?”

I shook my head hard and bounced where I stood. “No!”

“Then, how does being our girlfriend sound?”

“Yes! Yep!” I threw my fists in the air. “Sounds great!”

Adam slipped off the stage and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Thank fuck.”

I gasped as he kissed me desperately. His hands lodged in my hair, and I grabbed handfuls of his shirt. I was lost in his kiss when I felt him lift me off my feet. I buried my face in his neck and inhaled his scent as he carried me out of the ballroom. “I’ve been trying to get away to call you guys for hours. I’m so sorry!”

The sound of music started up in the ballroom, but Ian shut the door we’d come out of and we were wrapped in silence, standing in a small hallway just outside my sister’s wedding reception.

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