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Myheartwasfullas I watched Jayden and Violet dance. It was a fast song, and Jayden looked like he had two left feet, but Violet couldn’t stop smiling. She shimmied next to him and twirled with her hands over her head, as free as a warm summer breeze. Sipping from a glass of scotch, I grinned and shook my head when her eyes landed on me. Crooking her powerful finger at me, she beckoned me to the dance floor.

I was on my feet already, shrugging out of my jacket and rolling up my sleeves. Looking back at Adam, I nodded towards our wild child. “You might as well come too. She won’t be satisfied until she’s made us all humiliate ourselves.”

He groaned. “I already did the ice-skating thing, man.”

I couldn’t help laughing when he took off his jacket and followed suit with his sleeves. I felt so damn light and happy, it almost didn’t feel like it could be real. I’d never known a person could feel so good.

“I guess this is our life now, huh?” Adam thumped me on the chest as he watched Violet put her hands on her knees and shake her ass. “I must’ve been a saint in another life. That spot’s mine.”

I grunted and took off, determined to feel Violet’s ass against my dick while she shook it like she was doing. Adam pushed me, nearly sending me careening into the mayor and his wife. I nodded to them before rushing at Adam, dress shoes sliding on the slick floor. We reached Violet at the same time, just to see her laughing.

“Told you that’d get them out here faster.” She winked at me and pressed a kiss to Adam’s cheek. “Dance with us.”

I pulled her closer and nipped her ear. “Little criminal. It’s not nice to trick a desperate man, baby.”

She turned her back to my chest and rocked her hips against mine. “No tricks, Ian. Just treats. It’s Christmas, after all.”

Adam cringed away from people dancing too close to him, so I spun Violet into his chest and watched his face relax as his arms went around her. His eyes met mine and he nodded.

We danced, the three of us moving around Violet, touching her every chance we could. She never stopped sliding her body against ours. Her eyes were bright with pure happiness as she lived for herself, possibly for the first time ever.

There was a drumbeat in my chest, her words playing on repeat. She loved me. She lovedus. Somehow, there’d become a very real us. The three of us were even closer after spending the night crying and then pretending we hadn’t. The fact that she was giving herself to all of us somehow made it even more special.

With that emotion rattling through me, I held her close as we rocked together and kissed her. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you, too.” She arched her back and gripped my sides. “I’m almost done here.”

I searched her gaze and nodded. Our lady needed us. I motioned to Jayden, and we stepped back a couple of feet while Adam and Violet moved together.

“She’s ready. I say we grab a bottle of champagne and go up to the room.”

Jayden patted my shoulder. “Good thinking. I—”

“If you want to keep your teeth in your mouth, I suggest you watch what you say.” Adam’s snarl made the hair at the back of my neck stand on end. He didn’t get angry like that.

There was a drunk guy swaying next to them, his eyes narrowed on Violet. It was clear that whatever he’d said had been completely out of line. When he swayed closer and spit something else out, something that sounded suspiciously like a derogatory term, the three of us started to swarm, but before we could, Violet’s arm shot out and she slammed her fingertips into the guy’s throat. He went down choking instantly.

“You don’t speak to women like that. Jerk.” Violet huffed and spun on her heels. “I’m going to say goodnight to Rosie and Anthony.”

I looked from the guy on the ground to Adam and Jayden. A laugh threatened to bubble up from the deepest part of me, but I kept it buried as I yanked the asshole to his feet and marched him towards the exit. “You got off easy this time. Maybe you’ll think twice before you insult a woman next time. Insultourwoman next time and it’ll be the last thing you do. Now get a ride home and fuck off.”

I tossed the shithead out of the ballroom and closed the door behind him. Turning to find Violet again, I came face-to-face with her mother. I wasn’t sure I’d ever be in the right space to speak to the woman, but the way she wrung her hands together was so similar to Violet that I couldn’t flat-out dismiss her.

“That guy… He said something mean to Violet?” She held my gaze, and her shoulders drooped when I nodded in agreement. “Thank you for getting him out of here.”

I nodded slowly. “It’s literally the least I would do for your daughter.”

She stepped closer. “Her father and I… We got lost somewhere along the way. I know I don’t deserve a favor from you, but will you please encourage Violet to talk to me soon? I have so much to apologize for.” Her eyes welled up with tears, and she patted my arm. “Do you want kids?”

I shrugged. “That’s a little personal, but yeah. With Violet, yes.”

“Learn from our mistakes. It’s so easy to get off track and not even notice until it’s too late.” She looked down and slowly smiled. “Her aunts told me that you harassed them.”


“Deserved it? Yes, they did. From now on, I’ve got it.” With a heavy sigh, she touched my arm again. “Merry Christmas, Ian. Thank you and your other two friends for giving Violet the chance to speak up.”
