Page 54 of Press' Passion

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“I don’t think so. Should I?”

“I’ll be with you, so if you do, then, we’ll ask.”

While I hadn’t expected her to be, that she would when Press couldn’t was reassuring.

“I won’t be talking to them until tomorrow morning.”

“Aye, lass. The call is scheduled for zero eight hundred.”

“How am I not surprised you know that before I do?”

Sorcha patted my hand. “You’re catching on, my dear.” She looked over at Ridge. “Don’t you have a honeymoon planned for your bride?”

“Of course, he does,” Seraphina answered. “We’re waiting until things calm down a little.”

“You can stay for dinner, but afterward, the two of you need to be on your way. Bradley and I have this covered. If we need help, Jada is here.”

“You don’t have to stick around, you know,” I leaned over and whispered to my friend.

“What if I want to?”

“She’ll be stayin’,” said Sorcha, winking at Jada and me.

“I guess you’re stuck here, then,” I teased.

The change in expression on her face jarred me. Jada was the joker between the two of us. “Is there something you know I don’t?” I whispered.

Her eyes filled with tears.

“What?Tell me!”

“I can’t bear the idea of coming so close to losing you again.”

“You aren’t going to.” I pointed to Zeppelin, who I could see outside with Magnet. “I mean, just look at those two.”

Jada leaned closer. “Believe me, I have been looking.”



To say I was livid with my brother was putting it mildly. If it wouldn’t mean leaving my father on his own, I’d fly to Australia and drag his arse home. Not that I was certain he was headed there. After Paso Robles, to see Luisa, which I was assured wasn’t the case, it was the best guess.

“It’s our slow time of the year,” said my father. “He’s taking advantage of it.”

“Would’ve been nice of him to inform us, at the very least.”

“You know your brother.”

If the words hadn’t been uttered in baritone, I would’ve expected them to come from my mother. I’d heard her say the same thing so often.

“When will we cease excusing his behavior?” I spat.

“When it’s necessary to do so. Now, it’s not.”


He nodded. “You don’t need to stay either, Lavery. I’m perfectly capable of managing on my own.”
