Page 66 of Press' Passion

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“If you’re serious, I can make arrangements.”

“It’s too much to ask.”

I smiled, picturing her. “Stop biting your lip, pet.”

She laughed. “Yes, Press.”

“If you really want to come to Napa tonight, I can make it happen.”

“You know what? No. I can handle this conversation on my own. It’s not like I have to talk to Jorge, or whatever his real name is. I’m not even sure why they want to talk to me. While I appreciate your willingness to take care of me like you always do, you don’t have to.”

Admittedly, I was disappointed, but she was right. It would be an extravagance and no easy feat to bring her up here tonight. It would mean finding someone to fly the Cessna with me, then immediately making the return trip. “If you’re sure.”

“I am, but can we talk again later? There’s something else I want to talk to you about.”

“We can do that now if you’d like.”

“I’d rather wait.”

“No problem. Perhaps we can also pick up where we left off in our book.”

She sighed. “I’d love to.”

After ending the call, I went in search of my father, who I found in the same place I’d left him.

“What would you say about a quick trip to Seahorse tomorrow?”

He rested against his chair and removed his glasses. “It sounds ideal. Will we be making any other stops? Say to Butler Ranch?” He winked. “I’d love to see Laird and Sorcha.”

“That can be arranged.”

“Must we wait until tomorrow? It’s a quick flight.” There was a twinkle in my father’s eyes that warmed my heart. If his meddling in my “relationship” with Luisa took away his sadness for only a few moments, I was glad.

After speaking with Jaicon, I rang Sorcha, requesting she allow me to surprise Luisa.

“Aye, it will be a delight to see her face light up when you arrive.” She asked if I thought my father would mind if she also invited Tryst Avila, Hewitt Ridge, and Michael Oliver over as well.

“My father would be delighted to spend more time with good friends,” I assured her.

“Thank you, son,” my dad said when he got in the passenger side of the Range Rover we’d leave at the Napa private airfield until we returned. “A change of scenery will do me good.”

“We can stay as long as you’d like,” I told him, eyeing the size of the bag he tossed in the back.

“It will be at least two weeks before we can begin pruning the vines.”

“Sounds good to me.”

The drive from my parents’place to the airfield took longer than it would to fly and land at Seahorse.

Beau and I had talked about building a landing strip on the Napa property a few years ago, like what I had at my place. However, the bureaucracy involved in getting it done made it prohibitive. If I would be spending more time on the estate, perhaps it was time to take another look.

“Your mother loved the ocean,” my father murmured as we flew along the coastline from Santa Cruz to just south of San Simeon. His wistfulness renewed the regret I felt over not seeing her since the night of the Wicked Winemakers’ Ball.

“Dad, why did you send your regrets rather than attend Ridge and Seraphina’s wedding?”

When I glanced over to see if he’d heard me, I saw a tear run down his cheek.

“She wasn’t feeling up to it. How I now wish I’d insisted she see a doctor.”

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