Page 84 of Press' Passion

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“You don’t have to ask to sit beside me, Press,” I said, knowing he would continue to, regardless. He was polite and considerate and cared more about me than anyone else in my life ever had. Besides Seraphina. And Jada. But even she didn’t know me as well as Press did.

He rested his hand on my cheek. “Don’t bite your lip, pet.” His eyes were soft and warm and so full of what I now knew was love for me. I was ashamed I hadn’t noticed what everyone else had.

“I watched the three of you leave, earlier, then also when you returned. You seemed more relaxed than when you left.”

“We visited my mum’s grave. In the past, I believed it odd when I saw other people do it, but I found it quite therapeutic.”

“I’m glad,” I said.

“Tell me what this has to do with your mother.”

“Your family needs to band together right now. I’d hate for you and Beau to be fighting because of me.”


I studied him as he collected his thoughts. Lavery Barrett was the best man—the best person—I knew. He didn’t just spout off about whatever his brother had done to irritate him, at least not now, when we were talking about them banding together.

“I encouraged him to go. Without rancor, in case you’re wondering. I didn’t say this to him, but there’s something missing in my brother’s life, and while he may think he’ll find it with another person—a woman in particular—my belief is everything he truly needs is inside of him.” His eyes met mine, and rather than hurt or pain, I saw acceptance. “I sound like my mum.”

“She was a smart woman.”


“What about you, Press? Is there anything missing in your life?” It was a risky question for me to ask. If he said there was, our relationship would end before it truly began.

“I learned a great deal about myself while spending time with you,” he said.

“What not to do?” I attempted a joke, but it fell flat.

“You are so much more than you realize, Luisa Reeve. And, no, I’ve never once disagreed with a course of action you took. I may not have always liked it, but I respected your decisions.”

“Thank you, Press.”

“As I watched you overcome an ordeal unimaginable to most everyone, it inspired me to believe in myself more. What I’m capable of.” He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. “I also learned patience wasn’t my greatest strength.”

“You’re remarkably patient with me.”

“Because I care too much about you to push when you’re not ready.”

“I’m avoiding Dr. Benedict,” I confessed.

“Ah. I see. You’re avoiding the things you’d rather not talk about with Dr. Benedict.”


“Can I be a sounding board?” he asked.

“One of the subjects is you, Press.”

“Tell me what you fear Dr. Benedict will say concerning me.”

“That I rely too much on you.”

Press nodded. “And what will she say about this shift in our relationship?”

“Probably something about hero worship or falling in love with my caregiver, or maybe that I have a daddy complex.”

“Ouch,” he said, rubbing his chest but still smiling.

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