Page 35 of Monster's Pet

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“No,” he replies, three of his hands pinning me against his muscular frame while one strokes my hair and the other two take turns slapping my ever reddening rear. “You did not fuck up. You followed your instincts. You did what you thought best. You followed your destiny. And in all those things, you forgot what matters most…”

He pauses his words because I can’t hear him anyway over the sound of the absolute thrashing he is laying across my ass, every slap making matters fractionally hotter and sorer and worse for me.

“You forgot you belong to me,” he says during a brief pause in my near constant wailing. “You are mine.”

“I know,” I whimper. I want so badly to reach back and rub my ass, but that’s not going to be allowed. I have to tolerate the heat and the burn, I have to stay in place and take my punishment.

“You will learn,” he growls. “I cannot keep you safe if you will not obey. That is more true than ever given your new form. Those wolf powers and potentials are…”

“Potent?” I finish his sentence with more alliteration, earning myself a firm slap across both sore cheeks.

“I will not tolerate disobedience,” he lectures me. “You risked your life to try to save your boss, but he did not need your sacrifice, and he took advantage of your good nature.”

There I will have to disrespectfully disagree.

“Of course he needed my help. He was under fire! Your idiot brother was trying to kill him for no good reason apart from a war I’ve personally seen absolutely no sign of. Plus, you kept me in a hole in the ground with some sex freaks and their weird kids, which made life feel a lot less like living. My sacrifice was very necessary.”

There’s a long pause after my tirade.

“Fine,” I sigh. “Beat me more. I’ll sit down next year. Whatever.

Order looks at me with all eight eyes and I wonder how pissed off I’ve just made him.

He chuckles softly, and his hands start to move over me, silk winding from his fingers and over my body with every caressing motion. I have fucked up, but in kind of a good way.

“Told you, you’d prefer me as a wolf,” I mutter, not bothering to squirm. I secretly, or maybe not so secretly like being held by his webbing. It’s almost a little like being a wolf. It puts me in a simpler form and lets my mind sink into a less cantankerous state. If I have to take more punishment, it might make it easier to bear.

“Yes, you are delightfully submissive in your animal state, but you do not have to be physically animal in order to submit to me, or to feel that calm and release.”

I feel his silk starting to contain me completely, turning me into a pet cocoon. I wonder if I will end up like Sally’s infants, sitting in the corner of the house all wrapped up for what seems forever.

“Doesn’t that feel good?” He croons the words. I notice that there is a very specific portion of my anatomy he has not covered in silk. He has not forced my legs closed, nor has he allowed any of his webbing to obstruct what might very well be the fateful course of his his hard spider cock into my tight interior. If I am not very much mistaken, at least one of his hands is working on his fly.

Yes. I feel the length and heat of his bare cock pressing against me. I cannot move. I am wrapped up almost completely aside from these strategic entry points which he now makes swift and dare I say easy use of, four of his hands moving my cocoon clad body up and then down onto his shaft, my pussy absolutely soaked from my response to his stern punishment. I am moaning softly against his mouth as he holds me still and uses me. I cannot move at all. I cannot writhe, or grind, or control my experience. I have to take what I am given - and what I am given is his huge mutant cock sliding deep into my sex, spreading my quivering walls, filling me all the way up time after time as my poor spanked ass aches and the heat from his punishment turns to ever more intense sexual tingles.

I do not love disappointing him, but I do adore being bad and being punished. I love the rush of playful disobedience and teasing, knowing that I will soon be made sore, and soft, vulnerable and wet.

I have been spanked very thoroughly, and punished sternly. Once I would have thought myself too weak to take such a disciplinary ordeal, but I am stronger in every way now, and it feels correct to be restrained and mated, to have my legs spread around the powerful waist of my mutant lover, and to have my pussy spread wide around his cock.

He knows precisely how to use me in order to take me right to the verge of release, but not quite over it. He knows how to stir the dewy exudes of my sex with his rod and whip me into a frenzy. He also knows how to clamp my hips against him and hammer up into me, giving me a rough ride I will never forget, and a wailing orgasm that must surely be heard for miles around.

* * *

“You are my pet,” he reminds me when I regain my senses. The lectures are not over, not even with his seed dripping from my ravaged lips. I am aching in the best way. I can feel my pussy throb from time to time in the aftermath of his lovemaking.

“That does not mean you don’t have any thoughts or feelings of your own, but it does mean I intend to train you to obey me. Eventually.”

“How’s that working out for ya, bud?” I can’t help teasing him at least a little. I am in a very good mood. I am in a spectacularly good mood, actually. I have been given a new lease on life, and it feels as though everything from this point forward is going to be some kind of amazing.

“As long as I have you, everything is working out as well as I need it to.”

“But I’m a wolf. And being with me makes you an outcast to your family. Don’t you want to be with your family?”

“I love my family, and I have duty to them, but I love you more than any obligation I never chose. I loved you from the moment I saw you standing in that shipping yard, there to support your friend, though she had brought you into danger. And then you gave yourself to me and I felt your heat. Your desire. I felt you, and I came to know all the softness and the tenderness of your care for your little dog, and your loyalty to your friend who barely returned it. You are brilliant and you are strong, and though you were once wounded, you have remained in the world, ruthlessly part of it. Now you have had something restored, but your power and your wildness, they don’t come from wolf blood. They come from inside you. I will never reject you, Tessie. Not for anything you are, or anything you will be.”

My jaw drops as tears flood my eyes. I want to cry. I always stop myself from crying. But… what if this time I don’t? What if I let the tears flow? I feel them tracing down my cheeks, one at a time at first, until finally they flow in a near steady river down my cheeks.

Order holds me close and he kisses me and he gives me three times the hugs any other man can give me. I do not come from a comfortable or affectionate world. I do not come from family. My story is of the kind I refuse to recount for anyone, even myself. Order’s silken embrace makes me feel so deeply safe, so completely held and contained and kept. I feel so deeply loved and so perfectly owned. I have no intention of leaving him. I belong to him, and I think I’ve known it from the moment we met.
