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Huxley calls Mack and tells him, then says we’re going to be late back, and they should finish lunch without us. Mack just laughs and replies that he’s not surprised, and they’re all absolutely thrilled for us.

Then the two of us go to bed and make love, and Huxley is so sweet and tender that it makes me ache.

Afterward, I curl up in the bed, looking out at the harbor, and Huxley puts his arms around me and kisses my ear.

“I love you,” he murmurs, nuzzling the spot behind the lobe.

I give a happy sigh. “I love you too.”

“I still can’t believe it.” He rests his hand on my tummy. “You have a baby growing inside you. How amazing is that?”

I rest my hand on top of his, thinking of how extraordinary the process is. “How is it that two people can make another person?”

“I know. A little piece of me, and a little piece of you. It’s a miracle.”

“Thank you so much,” I whisper.

“It was my pleasure. Literally.” He nips my earlobe.

“Ow.” I chuckle. “I’m so happy right now.”

“Me too.” He strokes my arm and yawns. “Let’s have a snooze.”

“We should get back to work.”

“Half an hour won’t hurt anyone.”

“True.” I nestle back into his arms, watching the clouds scud across the sky, and feel his breathing grow deep and even behind me as he dozes, worn out by all the emotion.

I’m tired, too, and now I know why. My stomach flutters—far too early to be the baby, more a swell of butterflies at the thought of what’s to come.

I’ve watched Pen go through all kinds of problems, and I know I mustn’t get too excited. One in four pregnancies end in miscarriage, and that’s one issue with testing so early.

But equally, Hux is right, and it is a miracle. Right here, right now, I’m pregnant, and I’m not going to scold myself for feeling so much joy.

The clouds outside are drifting away, and the sky is a brilliant blue. I hold up my hands and move each finger as I calculate my dates. I’m going to be due in December. Oh, wait until I tell him. It’s going to be the best Christmas present ever.

My heart floating with happiness, with Huxley’s warm body pressed against my back, I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.
