Page 80 of Forgive Me My Sins

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I study him. This is bothering him. “Would it upset you to know we were getting close, Caius?”

His jaw tenses. He doesn’t like the idea. I get it, don’t I? I’m the enemy. Caius wants to make sure his brother is firmly on the right side of things. His.

“So, you and Ana were besties once?” he casually asks.

“Until she betrayed me. You’d do well to watch yourself with her,” I warn him, wanting to give him something to worry about too, although I know he has his own agenda with her.

“She told me how you were bullied.”

My stomach tenses, and I get that sick feeling like I used to when I was in high school and the kids were getting started.

“Sounds pretty shitty what she did to you, honestly.”

I’m confused, and I don’t understand his motives.

“Anyway,” he shakes his head. “Just weird past stuff. Speaking of, Santos and Camilla were supposed to tie the knot at one point.”

“What?” I ask, surprised at that.

“Yeah. Santos and Camilla. An item. Personally, I think she’s a bitch, but she’s not bad looking.” He makes a point of letting his gaze move over me like he’s silently comparing us and I’m coming up way short. “They went pretty hard for a while, but she is a fucking ice queen. I get it why he’d choose you. Girls like you run pretty hot in bed.”

“Girls like me?”

“Yeah, you know, a little off. A little weird.”

“Fuck you.”

He chuckles, turns to pour himself another drink. “Kidding. Seriously though, do you know where he went?” he asks, turning around. “If he went to a bar, I need to go get him.”

“He doesn’t drink.”

He almost spits his whiskey out. “Is that what he told you?”

I find myself wrapping my arms around myself again. Did he lie about that? Would that mean he lied about Camilla? And what does that mean for my future? Does he really intend to get me pregnant? No. He wouldn’t. He can’t.

Caius closes the space between us and it takes all I have to stand my ground. “Where did he go, Madelena?”

“I don’t know, Caius.”

“Did he tell you to tell me that?”


“Because it is partially true, I guess, that he doesn’t drink. He tries not to. You don’t want to see him drunk. And you definitely don’t want to be alone with him when he is,” Caius says.


“He loses control.”

“What does that mean?’

“He gets violent. Just watch yourself. Okay? Be careful around him when he drinks. That scar on Thiago’s neck? That was Santos drunk out of his mind.”

My mouth goes dry.

“Between you and me, the Commander was an asshole to him. To them both. They bonded over that, as weird as that sounds, and the Commander needed to teach them obedience. So he did what works best. Turned them against each other.”

“Santos did that to Thiago?” He nods. “How?”
