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I lock up my classroom and walk across the playground. It’s a beautiful autumn evening. The oak trees that ring the school are beginning to turn, and the leaves are falling in a riot of color—yellow, orange, red, and brown. I bend to pick up a couple, thinking that maybe I could do some hand painting with the class next week. They could draw around their hands and then paint them to look like autumn leaves. That might be fun. Maybe on Monday we’ll do a little nature walk around the grounds and collect some of the leaves first.

A few members of staff are walking to their cars, and we call goodnight and wish each other a great weekend. I get to the edge of the car park and look for my car. I parked it over by the school hall. Finding it, I walk a few paces. And then I stop. A man is leaning against the car, hands in the pockets of his jeans, watching me. As our eyes meet, he smiles.

I inhale sharply. My heart bangs against my ribs.

Then, a smile spreading from ear to ear, I run across the car park and jump up into his arms.

Laughing, he swings me around, then lowers my feet to the floor and gives me a long, hard kiss.

“What are you doing here?” I demand, breathless, when he finally releases me.

“I thought I’d surprise you.” He smiles. “I hope that was okay.”

“You’re here? To stay? You’re not going back?”

He shakes his head. “I’m all yours.”

He’s wearing a light-blue sweater over a white shirt and jeans, and he looks young, fit, healthy, and gorgeous.

Pressing my fingers to my lips, I burst into tears. He laughs and wraps his arms around me. “You old softie.”

“Oh my God, I missed you so much.” I bury my face in his sweater.

“Hello,” he says, and I realize another teacher must have approached us.

“You must be Titus,” a voice says—it’s Lucy, my headmistress. “Heidi has told us all about you, and she showed us her beautiful ring. I’m Lucy.”

“Very pleased to meet you.” He holds out a hand behind my back, and I feel them shake hands.

Pushing myself back, I wipe my face and laugh as Lucy says, “Aw!”

“He surprised me,” I tell her, accepting a serviette that he finds in his pocket and hands to me. “I wasn’t expecting him until Wednesday.”

“What a lovely thought. And now you have all weekend together. I hope you have an amazing time. See you Monday, Heidi.” She smiles and heads to her car.

I blow my nose, wipe my face, then poke him in the chest, worried he’s a figment of my imagination. “You’re really here?”

“Looks like it.” He cups my face in his hands. “Shall we go home?”

“To the cottage?”

“Yeah. I haven’t seen you for two weeks, and I have an urge to get you into that tiny bed and make mad passionate love to you.”

I look up into his eyes. “I can’t wait. I love you, my Striking Viking.”

“And I love you, my little Valkyrie.” And he presses his lips to mine, while the autumn leaves gently flutter to the ground.
