Page 22 of Sienna

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He took her arm, leading her around the battleground where bits of Dronian bodies would be splattered on the ground and trees “Too bad,” he grunted, immune to her complaint. “We need to get back before anymore soldiers return.”

“Not to mention their cleanup crew.”

He swung a look her way, his yellow eyes gleaming in the darkness. “They send a crew to clean up any bodies?”

For fuck’s sake.How much more was she going to inadvertently tell him? “I wouldn’t know,” she said flatly. “I’m just guessing. I’m sure they wouldn’t want any humans to slip on any remains and realize there was something invisible to investigate.”

Once they were at the fence, he pulled two strands of the barbed wire apart, and she crouched and carefully slid through the opening. She didn’t need to reciprocate. Retreating a few steps, Gray jumped, his wings coming out so that he easily sailed over the fence and landed on the other side. Bongo slipped under the bottom barbed wire strand to stand beside Sienna.

“Show off,” she said to Gray with a toss of her head.

He chuckled. “I mightn’t have powers like yours to rely on, but at least I can rely on my wings.”

He picked up the pushbike she’d left lying on its side in the long grass. Then wheeling it out to the side of the road, he whistled to Bongo. The dog happily jumped into the basket on the back. Then Gray mounted the seat before he patted the handlebars on front. “Get on.”

She pulled a face, hoping the dark at least partially hid her reaction. She didn’t have a lot of fears, but she wasn’t putting her trust in Gray’s bike riding skills. “You’re joking, right?”

He shook his head. “I don’t joke about life and death scenarios. The Dronians might return at any moment, and frankly I’d prefer to be miles away from them when that happens. This bike will get us away faster than travelling on foot.”

She swallowed heavily, then climbed onto the precariously thin handlebars, hoping she didn’t flash any incoming cars with her uncovered lady bits. It would take everything she had just to balance. “Then what are we waiting for?”

Chapter Eleven

Gray pedaled hard,all the while wishing the bike, which had been left under the house from the last tenant, was bigger and faster. It wasn’t even geared. His legs were far too long to make riding the bike comfortable.

He glared at the woman seated in front of him. He should have known Sienna would adapt to her position on the front handlebars as easily as she’d adapted to her life here on Earth.

He only wished he could say the same. He missed his people and his world, and that was despite the fact he’d been pigeonholed a mercenary without conscience. If only his people knew how wrong they were. He wasn’t even getting paid for this mission. His only payment was ensuring his world, and the very people who presumed the worse of him, weren’t eradicated.

The road inclined sharply and he managed to pedal for another couple of minutes before he took his feet off the pedals and onto the ground. Sienna jumped down with a heavy exhalation, clearly delighted to be off the precarious handlebars.

Bongo stayed in the basket, his head hanging over the edge and his tongue lolling out, while Gray pushed the bike uphill, Sienna walking beside him. That she didn’t try to escape was surprising. But then, she knew better now than to try, he’d scoop her up like a wayward kitten in her human form. Add in the threat of returning Dronians and she knew she was safer with him.

But did she also realize he was willing to hurt her now to get the truth? She had to sense as much as he did that time was running out. Unless the Dronians decided to destroy the entire township of New Faxian along with its surrounds, the bastards mightn’t ever capture or kill the seven remaining Strazanian survivors.

Sienna glanced up at him. “You could ditch the bike. It’d be faster without having to push it uphill.”
