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She wondered if her voice would work. The rings were fabulous. There was a slim platinum wedding band encrusted with diamonds, and a truly incredible solitaire cut in the shape of a heart. It was not what a tomboy would automatically choose, but it was a far better choice than she could ever make. ‘It’s... They’re... Sorry...I’m just lost for words.’

‘The only thing that matters is that they fit,’ Roman exclaimed with relief as he placed the wedding band on her finger.

‘It’s so beautiful,’ Eva breathed, holding her hand up so that the diamonds flashed fire.

‘And the finishing touch,’ Roman reminded her as he slipped the diamond heart on her wedding finger. ‘Not too much—’

‘And definitely not too little,’ Britt piped up as they all stared in awestruck wonder at the fabulous gems.

‘I love you, Eva Skavanga,’ Roman declared, bringing her hand to his lips. ‘And no jewel could ever be good enough for you.’

‘You may kiss the bride,’ the official said.

And as everyone stood back and applauded, Eva murmured, ‘I love you too.’ But as their kiss grew more heated she found a moment to whisper discreetly, ‘Can’t we just slip away to bed?’

‘When I tell can,’ Roman promised wickedly in the same muted tone.

‘I might right here,’ she warned him.

‘What’s your hurry, Eva?’ Roman murmured. ‘Haven’t I taught you the benefits of delay? It’s not like we’re short of time. We’ve got for ever. Remember?’

‘For ever isn’t nearly long enough,’ she complained, but Roman wasn’t in the mood to let the old Eva Skavanga raise her fiery head, and so he drew Eva into his arms and silenced her the best way he knew, which was very thoroughly with a kiss.
