Page 36 of Code Name: Ares

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“Maybe I should move into the smaller dining room.”

At the same time Cayman helped me move my bags, we saw his parents pull up in front of the house.

“Hello, Mrs. Trace,” I said, rushing to cheek-kiss her.

“Margeaux, it’s so nice to see you. And who is that?” she asked, pointing behind me.

“Philip Kappas,” said Ares, joining us. “Thank you for allowing us to set up shop here, Mrs. Trace.” He walked around the car and greeted Cayman’s father.

“It’s our pleasure, and please call me Catalina.” She turned to me. “You too, Margeaux.”

“Of course,” I said.

“We’re just thrilled to have someone here, for a change.” Cayman’s mum shot him a look, and Ares laughed.

“Again, we appreciate it very much, ma’am.”

It appeared Ares’ foul mood was gone, or he was putting on a mighty good show for Cayman’s mother and father.

“I’m Bartholomew.”

“What do you make of this?” said Cayman, walking up behind me. He motioned to Ares, who was speaking with his father.

“He’s being polite.”

His anger for the last hour was perplexing. Other than the idea he was jealous of my relationship with Cayman—which was ludicrous—I couldn’t fathom an explanation for it.

“Maybe give us time alone after your parents leave, and I’ll see if I can get to the bottom of it.”

“I can do. The MI6 IT folks have some work to do, and once they’re finished, I can update the security brief.”

“Perfect. Thank you, Cayman.”

My eyes met Ares. If I had to put a name to what I saw, it would be anger. Or maybe he was troubled about something else entirely.

“We won’t keep you, dears,” said Catalina. “Please let us know if you need anything. And for God’s sake,go riding.”

I’d forgotten about the gorgeous horses Cayman’s mother raised. I doubted we’d have time for activities like that. However, sometimes a walk—or a ride—helped clear my mind. Things that hadn’t occurred to me before suddenly became obvious.

After we waved them off, Cayman excused himself.

“Shall we?” I asked, motioning inside.

“I think I’ll take a walk.”

“May I join you?”

He nodded, not necessarily enthusiastically.

“If you’d rather go alone, I’ll stay here.”

“I said I wanted you to join me,” he snapped.

“You did not. You merely nodded. If you’d intended to actually speak, it didn’t happen.”

“You knew that’s what I meant.”

“Did I? Because, as you reminded me, I haven’t known you long enough to assess your behavior.”
