Page 8 of Survivor

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For now, he has no interest in hurting me. He is saving me with every step, taking me closer to Colony Alpha. I close my eyes, relaxing against him and into him. The heat from his body soaks out of his frame, through the clothing he made me, and into my skin. We are moving over flat ground now, out of the forest and into the open plains. That makes his gait even and rolling and soothing. I relax against him and into him. I let him bear my weight. I fall asleep.


She is a pleasant weight on my back and shoulders.

I have been lonely for some time, as well as alone. Perhaps that is why I did not kill her when I should have. Perhaps I am softer than I imagine. Or maybe not all humans are monsters.

Maybe I could keep this one. Love this one. Maybe taking her would go some way toward making up for all the bloodshed between our people. She seems innocent of it, but she bears some responsibility for the sin regardless.

She has turned my wandering into a journey. She has transformed my impotent rage into a mission. I have much to be grateful to her for, though she will likely pay the price for that gratitude in pain.

When I decide to make camp for the evening, I lie her down gently on the grass. She is still asleep, exhausted. Humans do not recover from wounds easily. They are not difficult to kill, at least, not physically. Their minds make them dangerous, their ability to strategize and deceive.

I tell myself I have to be careful, even as I look at the roundness of her face and the sweetness of her features. She exudes innocence.

I feel a pull of desire, simple animal lust. My tribe forbids us from mating with any creature that is not of our kind, but my tribe is not here, and she is. Soft and curled up in clothing of my making, completely vulnerable and utterly mine. I remember her body very well, the soft, generous curves, the curling hair surrounding a soft slit. I did not inspect further, but I know enough about humans to know that is her mating channel. I wonder how she would feel, stretched around my cock. I wonder if she would wail with pleasure or cry out in fear. I wonder which would be more satisfying to me. Both hold their allure.

Her eyes flutter open, and a small smile establishes itself on her face. She is happy to see me. Her reaction makes me happy in turn, though I do not smile easily.

“I must have fallen asleep.”

Humans enjoy stating the obvious by way of making conversation.

“Yes,” I say, joining in the fun. “You fell asleep.”

She is still smiling. I feel myself throbbing beneath my codpiece. Now that the thought of being inside her has established itself in my mind, I find it hard to let it go.

There is an answering glint in her eye, if I am not mistaken. She receives and echoes my desire. She must have been lonely too. Must have been frightened. Maybe she still is.

She looks around, seeing where we have stopped. A large boulder sits in the middle of grassland. There are many others like it, giant scree from an ancient flood.

“Where are we?”

“These are the boulder lands,” I tell her.

“Oh. Good name. Descriptive,” she says. “Where do they all come from?”

“My tribe says the gods hurled them at one another in the distant past.”

“Kind of like a snowball fight but with rocks? I’ve had one or two of those in my time. Don’t recommend them. High risk of concussion. And who needs a god with a concussion?”

She prattles happily, smiling at me as if she hopes I enjoy her commentary. I am very surprised to find that I actually do.

My first impression of this human was that she had no survival skills, that her ongoing existence was a matter of luck. I wonder if I wasn’t mistaken about that. She clings to life with such tenacity, doing what she must in spite of the relative frailty of her form.

“Stay here,” I tell her. “I must hunt for fresh protein. We need it.”

“Can I help?”

“You can help by staying still,” I tell her. “And doing as you are told.”


He leaves, disappearing among the boulders. This place is something like a maze of large circular stone walls. I wonder if he chose it because it is sheltered, or because it would be hard for me to run away here.

Does he care if I run? I have to keep reminding myself that I am not his prisoner. I came with him willingly, and I am staying with him by choice. He does not need to tell me to stay here. Or maybe he does. Maybe he is afraid I will try to follow him again. That is how we met, me traipsing after him, him growling at me to keep me away.

I decide to stay, to be obedient to his wishes. I want to earn his trust. I want him to see me as an ally, a friend. Maybe more.
