Page 62 of Sweet & Spicy

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“What if she falls into old habits, trying to push everyone away and flee across the country?”

“I’ll chase after her,” I said, determined. “I won’t ever force her to be anyone other than who she is at her core. I won’t force her to be with me, but if she wants me, I’m there. Nothing will keep me away.”

A bright, satisfied smile shaped Persephone’s lips as she glanced from me to her husband and back again. “Then fuck my father,” she said, raising her glass of tea toward mine.

“Jesus,” Cannon mumbled under his breath, raising his glass too.

My smile matched hers, realization clicking into place with her line of questioning. Nothing could keep me from loving her—not a relapse, not old habits, and certainly not her father.

I tapped my glass against theirs, my heart soaring at the newfound confidence.

“Thank you,” I said, slipping out of the booth.

“He’s going to lose his shit,” Cannon grumbled, standing up to shake my hand. “You know that right?”

I nodded, shaking his hand. “I know.”

I tried to release his hand, but he kept on shaking it. “She’s doing better,” he said. “When I met her she was…she was hurting. And now she looks healthy and happy. I know that has more to do with her than you, but keep it up.”

“I will.”

Cannon released my hand, giving me an approving look that meant more to me than any Anne’s father could’ve offered me. Because Anne respected Cannon’s opinion more than his anyway, and her sister’s even more.

And with them in my corner, I felt like I could take on the world if I had to. I had their blessing, and in the end, that’s all that mattered.

* * *

“Why are we here, Jim?” Ridge asked me a few hours later as he followed me into Luna’s shop.

He followed me inside, practically on my heels as I headed straight for the small selection of jewelry the boutique offered. I’d already scoped out a few places in Charleston, but I hadn’t found the right one yet.

“Are you going to pop the question?” Ridge asked. “Because you know I’d never marry a cop.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “I think you would,” I said. “Seeing how you rarely share your humorous side with anyone but me.”

Ridge folded his arms over his chest, the motion putting his sleeved arms on display. “Why the fuck are we here?” he asked, sounding more like himself.

“I’m going to ask Anne to marry me,” I said just as Luna walked up to the counter. We’d had a brief encounter at Lyla’s Place before Brad practically dragged her out of there, so she knew I was with Anne.

“Oh my gosh, that’s amazing. Congrats!” Luna said. “What can I show you?”

“Holy fuck, you’re serious,” Ridge said, eyes wide.

“Absolutely,” I said, turning away from the rings for a moment. I needed my best friend to be with me on this, but if he objected…it wouldn’t matter. I loved her. End of story.

He dropped his arms to his side, tilting his head back and forth before he grabbed me and crushed me in the quickest hug of the century. He clapped me on the back, then motioned an arm to the counter. “All right, then,” he said. “Let’s get these rings out.”

Luna grinned at him before unlocking the glass display, her fiery red hair hanging in a long braid over her shoulder.

“I know Anne a little through her sister, and Brad has told me some things,” she said. “But can you tell me a little bit more about her?”

“She’s…” Fuck, how could I describe her? A smile spread across my face as I thought about the best way. “She’s chaotic but solid, calm but feisty, and scary on the best of days. She’s wild, funny, and brilliant. Independent but also knows when she needs help. She’s…” My voice trailed off, and Ridge rolled his eyes.

“Fuck, you’re so whipped,” he teased.

“I feel the vibe,” Luna said, nodding as she hunted through her case. “What do you think of this one?”

She pushed an opened velvet box toward me, the thing dusty on the top but sporting a ring inside a torn silk cover. The ring had a crown setting that sparkled with smaller diamonds, the larger diamond in the center solid black.
