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Ten million dollars. Holy shit, that’s unreal.

Big numbers don’t scare me. I work with them day in and day out, but to think someone wrote out a check to purchasemytime.

And my body.

Yeah, okay. I can do this. So what if someone paid ten million to sleep with me. As nonchalant as I try to be, I still cringe a little at what that means and what that makes me. But I recall the cause, all the military families who would benefit from tonight, and I recline in my seat, the low hum of the car soothing my nerves.

Forty-five minutes ago I slipped into a silky royal blue robe and slid into the back of a waiting car instructed to take me to my destination where my purchasers await my arrival. And then? I don’t know. I guess I’ll have to wait to find out. But I know it’s what I need. All the club members are scanned and scrutinized for these events so the trepidation I’m feeling is unmerited. But still, I clap my hands in my lap and worry the inside of my lip.

I arrive alone and at the end of my weekend I leave alone. Just the way I want it. And then I’ll have a few days to myself to bask in my new feelings, find peace with moving on and just find my happiness again.

“Not much farther now, miss.”

Not that he can see me in the dark, but habit has me offering a quick smile at my chauffeur. We’ve been driving for a while now and left the city limits behind more than thirty minutes ago. Maybe more.

We come around a bend on a dark road, and an iron gate comes into view. The driver stops, passes a card and we’re in with the gate closing behind us in a matter of seconds.

Whimsical pines with heavy limbs line the gravel road leading into a wide-open space. My focus shifts from the shadowed scenery to the luxurious cabin at the end of the driveway. Not cabin—a palace.

As I see the structure designed of half glass and half polished log beams, I swear I’ve never seen something so wonderful in my life. As soon as we hit the back roads of northern New York I immediately went to the idea of acabin in the woods. The kind one gets knocked off in and buried under.

This is not that unless my trio of purchasers are elegant, rich, classy killers. They’d probably smoke cigars as they operate the backhoe. Never a speck of dirt on them.

My door opens, and I step out tentatively. I clutch my phone close to my chest like a lifeline.

“Nothing to be scared of, miss. Here’s the key. Your purchasers have instructed you to please make yourself at home. They will join you shortly. You’ll find another note inside with further instructions.” My chauffeur tips his head and hands me a gold key. His warm smile does nothing to keep my hands from shaking. It’s not like I didn’t know what I was getting into when I signed up for this, but still.

“Thank you.” My throat grows tight and I’m finding it hard to keep my heart rate in check.

I watch him drive off and I’m left alone in front of the three-story building. “In for a penny and all that, right, Justice?” I couldn’t back out now if I wanted. I do the last thing a smart woman should never do. I look around to find not another soul or vehicle in sight.

Inside I place the key on a side table. A crisp white note is perched on the end with my name on it as promised.

Please feel free to make our home yours, sweetness. There is champagne waiting for you in the upstairs master bath. Please relax and enjoy a long bubble bath. We will be with you shortly, Justice.

No signature. Interesting. How did they know who they would be purchasing tonight? They had to be really confident, that’s for sure.

Doesn’t matter. I’m here for one reason only. Me.

I toe out of my shoes and moan from the sheer joy of wiggling my toes. Cold marble soothes away the soreness as I climb the stairs. I pass several sitting areas all facing what must be a gorgeous view come morning. A huge chandelier descends over the center of the staircase illuminating shelves of books where most people would hang family photos.

I reach the top and take a moment to take in the sight. The master bath is easy to find given it takes up half of the upstairs. Or it appears that way.

Seriously. Several doors line the long hallway on both sides and at the end of the wide, brightly lit corridor is not a bathroom but what most would consider a throne. I take that back. There are no doors to the rooms. Oddly, all the doors are missing as I pass massive bedrooms with giant beds pushed up against large windows.

I turn my attention to the end of the hall. Giant doors are swung wide to reveal a scattering of red and pink rose petals. The room is huge, large enough for five, maybe six people to stand shoulder to shoulder and there is still enough room for more.

Soft golden light bathes the tub in a glow from overhead with the help of several candles along the rim of the tub.


I can’t resist. This is what I am here for, right? To enjoy. Rediscover myself. Forget the men who torture my every waking thought once and for all and allow myself to move on. Not a word from them in three years is pretty damn telling. I’ve been foolish for too long.

With renewed determination to enjoy this weekend, I slip out of the robe and lingerie House Pandora provided while the tub fills. I gently ease into the steamy bath but I can’t seem to shake a sense of urgency. My heart won’t settle, and I have unnerving chills along my arms.
