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She fucking smells like honey and lavender, too. My two weaknesses.

Gritting my teeth, I try not to focus on how I can still feel her strong grip around my cock hours after last coming inside her. Her rapid heartbeat against my lips, her supple skin beneath my roughened fingertips. I keep looking at her in the strong afternoon sunlight feeding through the small windows.

So delicate yet so strong. Her father should have kept her closer. Safer. Poor bastard is about to lose the one person in his life he loves the most.

She moans as she stretches out her well-pleasured body and fuck does that sound send my pulse racing. Every fiber of my being should feel on edge but I can’t help but notice the calmness easing the tension between my shoulder blades.

It is so much easier to whisk her way and get lost out on the open sea. Travel the world under different names. Seek out the peace and quiet where no one will ever bother us. And I have the kind of money it would take to do it, too. In this perfect fantasy, she has accepted me for who I am of course. The enemy. There’s no other way to look at it, but the black and white truth.

Looking down at the woman curled up in my sheets, I can dream. But that is where the flashes of false wistfulness die.

In my world, happily-ever-afters are for fucking push-overs and not for men with my level of power. Some go after the big CEO jobs with fancy offices.

Others take the more direct route. That’s me and every Bellamy before me and probably after me. Arms dealers make faster cash and wade through less red-tape bullshit. The kind of combinations I like. So did my father. Until the Kingstons grew greedy and went after the competition.

My father never saw the hit coming. He refused to listen, to stay close to home, and let me and our paid enforcers handle the Kingstons when they stepped out of bounds into our line of business. And now I’m left dealing with the fallout.

All because of this beauty’s greedy, treacherous father. No, in my world we deal in blood and it’s time I collect my payment.

Feeling more grounded, I take her phone and thumb out the passcode I saw her fill in last night while checking in on her friend.

I pull up the camera option.

“Hey beautiful girl, time to wake up.” I shake the mattress and feel a force against my soul when bright green eyes slowly peel open and land on me.

Just as she realizes what’s about to happen, my pretty captive throws her hands up and the sun glints off her new jewelry. But I have what I need.


“Hey, what the...what’s going on...?” I can tell she’s trying to remember my name but my little siren here didn’t want names. Just a night of pleasure and I made damn sure her little fantasy came true.

Her soft voice reaches into me and latches onto dead feelings so buried I feel a cold chill of the grave sweep over me.

Possessive feelings that should stay buried. I glance at the screen and flip it around so she can see for herself. “What do you think? Will that get your father’s attention?”

Fear fills her eyes and for a second I want to kick my own ass for sending everything we shared last night to a watery grave with one simple question.

Serenity yanks on her hands and the jingle of metal against metal fills the small cabin.

“Why am I... what the fuck! Why am I cuffed to your bed?”

I cock my head to the side and peer down at her. My sheet has fallen from her breasts and the pink, tight tips I savored last night call to me again now.

“You’re here because you came onto a stranger’s yacht, trusted the wrong people, and now have nowhere to go, nothing to do except what I tell you.”

Her eyes search mine to see if this is all a game.

“But last night?” Confusion tugs at the center of her brows.

I give a half shrug. “What about it? You wanted fucked raw and that’s what I gave you. Let’s not make this into what it’s not. But if you ask sweetly, I might do it again. We both know you liked how I made you climax.”

I crawl onto the edge of the bed and take her chin in hand, stroke a finger along her jawline and trail it over her shoulder to dip along her pinched waist. “You enjoyed all the dirty things I did to you. Your hard nipples and heavy breathing say so much, beautiful girl.”

Leaning forward I skim my lips over hers briefly before I grip my hands in her hair and take a deeper, longer taste. I swear I am going to fall for this girl and I’ll have no power over it. I’m not sure I can stop myself if I go too much further with this teasing, but fuck she’s intoxicating. The way she leans into me even now says she’s too fucking trusting. Too innocent. For a split second, I want to call my whole plan off. Protect her.

I break the kiss, our chests heaving when she raises her gaze to mine. Fear stares back at me. No, not fear. Fury. Sweet Serenity is furious. Savagely seething.

“Lucas. Lucas Kingston.” She scoots back on the bed until her back is against the headboard. “I... I know you. Oh, God. How... how...” She frantically searches for some kind of answer in my eyes but I’ve spent years concealing my feelings and the only thing she finds staring back at her is a wall of darkness.
