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“When I was in high school I wanted to be an oceanographer. I studied all I could about sharks, whales, and bioluminescence. All kinds of ecosystems. Anything I could get my hands on. My father was...busy a lot and my mother always had one luncheon with the ladies or another. Trying to keep the family’s name clean I guess now that I think about it. When I shared my dream with them they only laughed and then my father made sure to remind me I was a Kingston. That one day I would follow in his steps. Back then I didn’t understand what that meant.”

“And now?”

“I don’t know. What if I can reverse the harm he’s done? Shouldn’t I at least try?”

Lucas places a kiss on my forehead. “I kidnapped you as payment for a crime committed against my father, but the mass of his sins are not for your shoulders to carry.”

I turn in his arms. “I remember seeing you on the news. When your father died. It was all over the news and I had an idea my father had something to do with it. But I couldn’t face that. I didn’t want to think he was capable of that.”

Lucas grows quiet for a long moment. “No daughter should ever be forced to see the demon their father is. There was nothing for you to do anyway.”

“He wasn’t...always that way. I don’t think so at least.” My hands curl around his and I silently beg him to hear my words. “Or at least not to me. Never to me. I don’t know the monster you speak of. Maybe...I don’t know.” I look away from him for a second, fighting for how to say this next part. But there is no easy way I see so I say it like it is. “Maybe what happened between our fathers should stay between them. Maybe we don’t know the whole truth and this revenge you seek is pointless?”

“Your innocence is a beautiful treasure.” Lucas strokes a finger down my cheek. “And for the fact you were treated like the queen you are by your father I will kill him fast.”

My grip tightens in his. “Please, no. Please don’t. He’s all my mother and I have.”

For a moment I see the man emerge from his grief to see the pain his words cause another.

“I can’t promise anything, princess. Not when blood is needed for blood.”

“What if I stay here with you? My life for my father’s”

A wicked glint sparks across his gaze and I know I’ve found the devil inside him willing to strike a deal. He spins me around and presses me against the side of the aquarium wall. He lifts me and I so easily wrap my legs around his waist.

“Your life for his, huh?”




We both groan when I take her mouth in a hard kiss. “Are you sure about that?”

“Yes!” she cries out and it’s all I need to hear.

I should have given her another sheet to wear instead of these damn jean shorts. They’ll be impossible to peel off. I tear away from her and slide her down my body. Dropping to a knee.

Water starts to pelt against the sides of the building and fall through the open skylights.

“The storm. It’s here.”

Yes it is. But Mother Nature’s force is nothing compared to the lashing my soul is taking from the woman I should want dead.

I pop the button on her shorts, shoving the offending material past her knees and go back for her panties when I realize she’s not wearing any.

I lean in and tease the tiny clit peeking out at me with the tip of my tongue.

“Lucas,” she gasps, her fingers dragging through my hair. She grips me tight and I know, I fucking know, this woman is my everything. My world. My Universe. And already the mother of my child. And right this second I vow to protect both of them with my life, my blood.

She sinks back against the glass wall, ready to melt in my hands and my cock grows hard.

Fuck me. Maybe for the millionth time in the last twelve hours, I pray to all the gods this planet has ever known to please let me have another hour of drawing air to enjoy the sweetest angel to ever walk this earth.

If this is wrong, me wanting the enemy’s daughter, then so be it. I’ll take whatever hell is coming my way once her father finally dares show up.

Until then, I’m going to make sure we ride the waves high and for as long as possible.
