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“You ask, expect to get the truth back. That’s how this is going to work.”

I hold up a finger like it’s going to keep the three wolves in their place. “Truth, okay…okay, you want the truth? Since I have all three of you together let me get real for a second.”

I pull my hair off my neck and into a ponytail. It’s more than the growing summer heat working me into a sweat right now.

“When you boys finish, you know where your cars are parked. I expect you to be gone before I get back from my hike or I’ll call the sheriff and report trespassing, and you can tell Mom you did what she asked on your long drive back to the city. There. Job done.Hasta luego.” I smile, giving my brother’s best friends a mocking salute.

I don’t need them or anyone. I’ve been fine alone all this time and I’ll continue to be that way.

I make to turn around and head back to my room until they get the message I’m not interested, but Grant’s words pull me right back around.

“You’re scared because you feel something. Linc made you realize you wanted something with all your heart and then you freaked out, realizing you could actually have it. You just have to stop running long enough to grab it.”

“You think you can read minds now?”

Grant, in all his naked glory, crosses his arms over his chest. “No, I just knowyou.”

Screw this. What the hell do they know? They haven’t lost half of what I have. I bet they don’t even realize what they did to my young heart by giving me their backs when they walked away. Before the tears have a chance to come, I turn on my heel and aim for my car, but Linc is off the porch and across the yard before I make it. I yelp when I’m pulled off my feet and slung over a broad shoulder.

“Lincoln Masters, put me down, you big brute. You can’t do this to me!” I slap at his back, but he doesn’t flinch. In fact, he laughs and damn if Cain and Grant don’t have the wickedest fucking smiles on their faces.

“Sorry, little girl, you’re not going anywhere until we say.”



“You’re not going anywhere; we’re not going anywhere. NONE of us are going anywhere.” I haul a very pissed-off Mercy over my shoulder and clamp one arm over her legs and another over her delightfully stubborn ass. I can still taste her juices on my tongue, and that is what makes this easier to do. I know she wants us. Or her young, tight cunt wouldn’t be dripping wet for us.

“Scream at me all you want,” I offer. “We’re not leaving this cabin until we have a little—or long—chat. Whatever it takes. Now stop wiggling your hot little body or you might make us do something about that wet pussy of yours right here on the front lawn for everyone passing by on their fancy boats. And all before we’ve planned it, too.”

A naked Cain and Grant fall in beside me like escorts as I cross the yard in half the time it took Mercy on her shorter legs. Damn our girl can move when she wants to, though.


“Yep. I don’t fancy grass stains on my ass but if that’s what it takes, okay by us.”

Grant and Cain sound off beside me in agreement.

Her feminine hands are on my back, pounding, but she doesn’t realize I’ll take her hands on me anyway I can get them.

“Put me down you, big bear.”


I chuckle when she growls her frustration.

A few more strides and I’m up the stairs doing as the little princess demands, setting her down.

The second I step back she cocks a hip and props her hand on it like that’s going to get any of us to move out of her way any time soon. “What do you mean planned?” she spits. “Don’t play games with me. I got the message loud and clear last time. If you don’t recall let me tell you word for word in case your brains have stopped working… in the words of your friend over there,” she shoots daggers at Grant who only crosses his arms over his chest with no issues being naked while we get down to business with our girl.

She takes a finger and pokes each of us in the chest. “In no way did I misunderstand the ‘no, not gonna happen. Our dicks won’t be getting anywhere near that fuckable pussy. Forget it.’ And I know I didn’t hallucinate you three walking away from me. You only came back for my brother’s funeral five years later andthenyou were off again.”

“We did come back. Who do you think has kept this place from going to the weeds and squatters, woman? The only reason it’s overgrown now is because we were away on duty.”

She’s seething, but I understand her anger and hurt. It seems the other men do too.

Cain’s rough voice has her mouth hanging open a bit and her words drying up. “We were here. It was you who didn’t bother.”
