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Chapter One


People go missing all the time.

Daughters, cousins, nieces, nephews. And worse. You know where I’m going with this. Don’t make me spell this shit out for you any more than I have to. Acid rolls in the pit of my stomach just thinking about it and I don’t need to be tempted into setting a few fuses and watching this place blow. Only the innocent trapped inside are keeping my raging demons at bay.

For now.

I straighten my cuffs before tapping my glass, signaling the barkeep to pour another when he looks my way. “Leave the bottle.” I toss a crisp Benjamin on the polished black marble and find a nearby table to wait and let the bottom feeders of the top one percent of high society get a good look at their newest member.

From my earliest memory, I’ve played a role and tonight’s no different. After nearly thirty-seven years of this shit you either get tired and fold or dig in deeper. Despite my father’s wrath, I’ve never been one to turn my back on an opportunity.

I feel the burn of eyes drilling into the back of my head so I down a few fingers’ worth of vodka and snag a passing captive by the arm.

“Drugaya.” I drag her to the edge of my table and she yelps. “Pour another,” I translate gruffly. To be fair, if I treated the enslaved server any other way, we’d both draw unwanted attention.

“Yes, sir.” Her tone is lifeless. Broken. Death, or the desire for it, flares in the depths of those flat brown eyes.

Fucking Volkov brothers. Another reason to want them buried and gone. We’re the top two Russian families vying for the highest position in this city. But not for long. They’re working to keep their enemy close while showing their growing strength. For now, I play along and let them have their fun. Letting them think they have the upper hand now will make their fall a helluva lot sweeter.

I’ve allowed them to operate under the radar, to eke out a living in their nightclubs and drug running. But I’ve heard rumblings from the shadows that they’re moving into darker waters and I’m here to see for myself. The invitation in my pocket is their way of flaunting it in my face.

Around me, many of the members of The Society have brought their own purchased sex slaves to perform fellatio as we wait for the auction to kick off. Moans of pleasure ripple over the large room, the sounds making my fist tighten around my empty glass. And my dick has never felt so fucking dead in my life.


The lifeless server signals for me to remove my hand. I wrap my knuckles on the gleaming table. “Hurry the fuck up and try not spilling it.” Emeralds swing from her earlobes as she jumps at my tone, making me feel like a royal asshole. Her eyes are glued to the empty glass and her fingers tremble as she clutches the bottle. The flimsy black netting covering her tits and crotch are see-through with chains crisscrossing most of her body, leaving her exposed as a demonstration of wealth and level of quality.

The shit this poor girl must have been forced into makes me fucking sick.

“May I offer you anything further this evening, sir?” There is an inflection onsirthat wasn’t there before so I know she’s moving into playing a role she’s been trained for. She places the bottle on the table and lowers to the floor in front of me, her hands poised on the edges of her knees. Palms turned up. I watch her face as a pinch of fear works over her expression.

I wave her off. I’m every bit of the bastard everyone thinks I am. Mobster, murderer, crime lord, piece-of-shit biker trash with too much money.

They’re not wrong. I’m all those things and more. But I’ve never taken someone by force. Or had someone feel they had to give me pleasure in order to draw their next breath.

“Nyet.Leave me. There’s nothing you can offer me that I want.” I regret my words immediately.

She remains unmoving. Panic creases the corners of her eyes and for the first time I see signs of life creep in behind those false lashes. This has me reconsidering my position.

“Please, allow me to pleasure you. If I don’t, they will hurt me.” She’s trembling as she begs to suck me off. I can see the girl she used to be under the layers of caked-on makeup. She shuffles on her knees toward me and reaches for the buckle of my belt. I grab her hand, a delicate thing, and wrap my fingers around her.

“Please, sir.” Eyes dart over my shoulder.

Her voice is low, timid, and laced with enough fear to cripple a grown man. Which steals away my attention from where I need it—memorizing every face inside these walls.

I take her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “Later,dorogoy.” I speak up for anyone within earshot to hear. “You’re a perfect specimen of what the Volkov brothers possess. Tell them I am pleased, but it’s almost time for the auction to start. Come find me later and we’ll see if that mouth of yours looks as beautiful wrapped around my cock as I suspect it will.” I feel her desperation, but she’s not who I’m looking for. I can’t afford to get distracted.

Hope swiftly dies in the woman’s eyes. She bows her head and sends me a silent thank you with her eyes.

She moves away slowly and I pin my gaze across the room. But in my periphery, I notice the older Volkov twin, Ivan, observing me interact with his property from a nearby table. The high-end traffickers and natural-born sadistic capitalists have been on my radar for a while now. Petty West Coast little shits who think they can muscle in and take what’s mine because they’ve come into some money. Where they replenish the coffers is evident, but how they went from operating pop-up whore houses out west to this is another question. One I tend to find the answer to.

I had my men spread rumors about me being in the market for a bride and it was almost fucking child’s play getting an invite Now that I have an in to one of their private showings, I resign myself to putting on a show of a lifetime. I can’t give them any reason to doubt my motives. I’ve sacrificed a lot to be sitting at this table, and as the newest member of The Society everyone’s eyes are on me. One wrong move that triggers their paranoia and all my work will be for nothing. I need to remember that.

One more look into the soulless pits for eyes of the woman and I know I’ll murder someone for breaking such a fragile soul.

This brings me back to the shit I was saying before. We all know the world is a fucked-up place, but what goes on here is worse than the darkest pits of hell. And all for money. Why? Greed and power. Both put whoever controls the most at the top of the food chain. And I’m not such a saint to deny I love having both. From my throne at the top of the summit, the view is spectacular. Anyone challenges my authority and I’ll spill their blood in my streets.
