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Boone strokes a thumb over my bottom lip, taking the words from my mouth.

“Say what you will. It doesn’t change anything. The mistakes, our actions. All we can do is move on from here.”

I nod numbly, dazed from the information overload, but happy at the same time.

“It killed us a little every day not to steal you away and hoard you to ourselves, selfish as that sounds.”

“I wish you would have. I would have gone happily. I could be plump with baby number two or three by now.”

Boone growls.

“We couldn’t give you the life you wanted then. We were just starting out and didn’t have a foundation under us.”

“But that’s changed.” Boone pauses, his thumb on my lip like he’s torn between letting a kiss say everything else for him or continuing his thoughts. He clears his throat but his words are still raspy with thick emotions. “And now none of us can walk away, baby. I’m sorry. We’re about to fuck your life up or make it the best it can be. Maybe a lot of both. So damn sorry.”

He skims his lips over mine and I inhale his breath, filling my lungs with all of him.

“Sorry?” I breathe out a sigh of relief and smile. Those words have my heart beating for the first time in so long with happiness. “Don’t ever say that when it comes to how you feel about me. Ever.”

Austin grazes a light touch along my jaw, pulling my eyes to his. “You sure, sweetheart? Your father will have something to say about this. Our actions cost all of us once. You ready to walk that path again.”

“You’ve asked me that before and my answer is the same. Yes. And this time I’m not letting you go. Any of you. I’m no longer living under his roof or dependent on his wealth. I have a life and if he wants to fire me as his personal assistant, well, that’s on him. The way I look at it, I’ll have more free time to go back to school. Finish my degree.”

The stress creases lining Boone’s eyes lessen and his shoulders visibly relax. His hands are on me, caressing me, giving me hope.

“You mean more to us than you’ll ever know.” Landry twirls me to him and snatches my breath away with a kiss. I fall into him, open for the light stroke of his tongue along the seam of my lips and moan.

“Thank you for the truth. It hurts that he would do that. I’ll have to deal with it at some point, but not tonight. Let’s make tonight about us. I guess there’s no better time right?” I raise my hands to show the remote cabin in the woods and all the uninterrupted silence beyond our walls.

I put my hands on Landry’s chest and simply stand there for several heartbeats absorbing the presence of my men.

“Honor.” Boone’s raspy voice has my eyes flying open to find his. “Let us make you ours. All over again.”

Without a word, I reach for the two clasps on my shoulders holding the gown in place. A couple of clicks and the material is on the floor around my feet.

“I would like that. Last time we were like this I only had one of you. Tonight I want all three of you.”

Boone’s jaw twitches as he considers me, and Austin has my pussy clenching with renewed desire to have him sink into my velvety walls with the way his gaze licks against all my exposed curves.

I refill my shot glass and dip a finger inside. “And you?” I tease Landry with a husky purr. He’s been too quiet. “Nothing to say?”

I take the wet tip of my finger and swirl the amber liquid over my rock-hard nipples.

LandryandBoone growl, and I can feel the warning I’ve almost gone too far deep in my soul and I’m going to pay for it. A thrill of anticipation shoots through me.

I spread my thighs and skim my hand over my stomach, his eyes watching every move. I dip the tip of my finger between my soaked pussy lips, swirl it around my clit. Once. Twice. “So good.” I shudder and roll my hips. Then do it all over again.

I blush, biting my lip but never breaking eye contact with him as I lift my hand.

Landry is on me before I can get my finger to my lips to clean off the juices.

He takes the glass from me and passes it to someone. I can’t tell. I have all two-hundred pounds of Ranger muscle blocking my view.

I’m in his arms, legs wrapped around him and back where I was three years ago. My naked ass is on the large dining table with a hot and horny Landry between my thighs wearing too many clothes.

“Our first night is burned into my brain. I can’t forget the way you tasted in my mouth as I drank your milk.”

“We don’t want you to forget, but it’s time to make new memories.” Boone has discarded his clothes. “We didn’t get to keep our promise to you that first night. We’re going to change that.”
